Chapter 8-Vampire bites!

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"I'm going in the woods. I'll tell mom I'm visiting some neighbors," said Ronny.

"You're going to drink animal blood, aren't you,?" asked Esme.

"Do you want to come?" asked Ronny.

"No, thanks. That would be disgusting," said Esme.

"No, you're only afraid to get hurt," said Ronny with a rude tone.

"Maybe, I am afraid of that," I mumbled.

"Well, you shouldn't be afraid. FACE YOUR FEAR!" Ronny shouted.

As Ronny walked downstairs, I heard mom say, "Why were you shouting that? You know she's afraid. Don't bug her about it!" shouted Rosalie.

"I wasn't. I was telling her my lines for the school play," said Ronny.

"You're in a play!" said Rosalie excitedly.  "What's the play called?"

"My friend Conner wrote the play and named it "Nightmare." He loves scary things. He looks scary, too."

"Wow, he wrote a play. That's very impressive,"said Rosalie.

"Do you mind if I visit some neighbors?" asked Ronny.

"No, I don't mind at all," said Rosalie.

He walked out the door and went into the woods. As he walked through the woods, he spotted a bear. He went towards it and started to suck its blood until he got full, and until the bear died.

"That was tasty. I should have this blood more often," he said to himself.

While he was in the woods, he saw Jill, Valerie, and Don.

"Hello, we aren't here to hurt you. We need to ask you a question," said Don.

"Do you know a girl named Esme Stevens?"asked Jill.

"I'm Ronny Stevens and she's my sister. Don't hurt my family or ..... You don't want to know what I'd do to you!" shouted Ronny.

I was in my bedroom hearing him shouting.

"He must be in trouble," I thought.

I walked downstairs and without asking, I ran out the door and went into the woods.

"Ronny!" I screamed.

"Esme, go home!" shouted Ronny.

"No!" I shouted as I ran to him to see what was wrong.

"Are these your friends?" I asked.

"No, It's Jill, Valerie, and Don. Leave!" he screamed.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and started to run out of the woods.

As I ran out of the woods, I began hearing footsteps behind me.

"No!" I shouted as I fell to the ground.

"Esme!" Ronny screamed.

The evil vampires were close enough to me, that it was possible for them to bite me. I felt sharp teeth against my skin.

"No!" Ronny screamed. He pushed them away from me and tried to suck their blood to kill them, so they wouldn't kill me first, but they ran away.

"No!" I screamed in pain. Ronny came towards me and sucked the venom from my skin. I couldn't move. A while later, I felt someone carrying me. They put me on a soft, comfy bed.

"Doctor, is she okay?" someone asked.

"Oh, no! I was in an ambulance truck. What are they going to do when they find out I was bitten by a vampire?" I said in my head. I was so worried to find out what was going to happen.

"I guess I'll have to use my power to change people's emotions. With my power I can find out how she's feeling and I know she's sad and worried, so I'll make her happy and worry-free," whispered Ronny.

He walked over to me and took my hand and drew a smiley face on it.

"What is he doing?" I thought.

A minute later, I became very happy.

"This isn't normal, but it's fun," I thought.

"I can't wait until I get to the hospital," I said in my head.

"When I change people's emotions, I can also hear their thoughts," he whispered into my ear.

My mom sat next to me with non-stop crying. I wish I was able to wake up and tell her its okay.

When we got to CMC, they took me out of the ambulance truck. Soon, I was laying in the emergency room.

"So, she passed out," said Dr. Reynolds.

"I thought it was because of the vampires, but why tell them that," I thought.

They took tons of tests and the Doctor said he thinks that I was bleeding really badly and fainted by the sight.

"She needs blood donated or she could possibly die," said the doctor.

"No, I can't die!" I screamed in my head. The doctor left the room.

"How did that happen? My poor baby," cried Rosalie.

"Rosalie, could I see your hand?" asked Ronny.

"Okay," said Rosalie puzzled.

He drew an invisible smiley face on her hand.

A minute later, Rosalie said, "I'm so happy. Everyone's happy. This is the greatest day of my life. I'll wait outside. See ya. It was very strange."

"I have a headache. I bet when two or more people get their emotions changed, one or both has a headache," I thought.

"Yes, you're right," said Ronny.

"It will be okay now. Try to open your eyes,"said Ronny.

I started to open my eyes.

"Esme, are you okay? I'm so sorry," said Ronny.

"It's okay, at least I didn't die or become a vampire," said Esme.

"Oh, so you're not mad," said Ronny.

"No," said Esme.

"Can you make me and Rosalie's emotions normal?" asked Esme.

"Fine," said Ronny.

Ronny closed his eyes and held my hand for fifteen seconds.

"That's what you do to make people's emotions normal. That's kind of strange," said Esme.

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