IV : Confrontations (Kara)

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I was furious. Did he really think I wouldn't be able to get the job done. As soon as everyone left to unpack I stormed towards Irene who was examining her nails, as I came towards her she looked up. "Why are you here ?" I said. "James sent me to babysit you." She drawled nonchalantly, leaping off her chair and walking to the adjoined study. I was seething by now "I don't need a carer, I'm perfectly fine on my own." I spat. Irene sighed as she perused her bookshelf for a book, "Look Miss Dives, I'm not exactly thrilled about this either. I'm in the country with the highest crime rates in the world. If it wasn't for your sentiment I could've been sunning myself in Barcelona." I rolled my eyes and turned to leave. "Oh and Miss Dives ?" She said with a glint in her eyes "Remember your job. Seduce Holmes and then crush his heart before James puts his final plan in motion. If you fail, consider your family dead. Also be ready for the party in an hour !" She smiled evilly. I walked off, slamming the door behind me. When I got to my room I collapsed on the floor. I'm sorry Sherlock
I thought but if the choice was between the love of my life and my entire family, the needs of many outweigh the needs of one. Standing up I began to get ready.


I was wearing a simple, black dress which fanned out at the waist and black stilettos. I had hidden two knifes in my hair which was styled into a bun. This party was made up of the best criminal masterminds in Honduras. People milled around casually as music played in the background. As I descended the stairs, I spotted John and Sara standing next to Sherlock. I walked towards them. "What's the plan ?" I whispered scanning the room. "We split up and try to find suspects or evidence that may point to The Joker." Said John. I nodded and then walked over to the bar and watched the dancers. "Care for a dance ?" I turned around to see a young man with sandy, blonde hair and blue eyes. Smiling, I took his arm and we walked towards the dance floor as a lively foxtrot began to play. "So what's your name ?" I asked "I've been sent by The Joker and my name's Benjamin" My smile vanished "What does he want now ?" I said "He says to remember that he's always watching." We didn't speak for the rest of the dance. As soon as we finished, I ran towards the bar, stressed. Sipping my drink, I surveyed the room. I saw Sara and John talking to different people but I couldn't see Sherlock anywhere. Suddenly out of nowhere I heard a voice "Dance ?" I looked up at Sherlock and smiled slightly. He led me to the dance floor as a waltz began to play. We glided across the dance floor effortlessly, lost in each other's eyes. As the song drew to a close I pulled him into a hug. He went rigid, unsure how to react, but after a moment he relaxed and buried is face in the crook of my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, I gave him a sad smile and walked away, leaving him on the dance floor.


Half an hour later, I saw Irene approach Sherlock with two drinks. She had a diabolical smile on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her as she urged Sherlock to take the drink, however,  as nothing happened I continued to talk to other people. But 10 minutes later, I saw Sherlock being dragged out of the ballroom by Irene. The detective looked unsteady on his feet and would stumble or flounder every so often. Frowning, I discreetly slipped away to follow them. After about a minute of walking, I heard them enter a room, my bedroom to be precise. After a moment, I threw open the door to see Irene on top of a very weak looking Sherlock, kissing him. I grabbed Irene "What the hell are you doing ?" I yelled as I dragged her out of the room. "I just slipped a mild sedative in his drink to make him more...susceptible." She protested. I was apoplectic "You cannot just go around drugging people whenever you want to. And last I checked, this is not what your job entails ?!" I said shaking her. Sighing, I went inside to help Sherlock as Irene stalked away. "Kara ?" He said groggily "I'm here ." I said tucking him into the blanket. "I love you." He said. I froze, desperately trying to ignore the tears which threatened to fall. "You've been drugged Sherlock. Tell me tomorrow and I'll believe you." I said and turned to leave. He grabbed my wrist. "Stay." He whispered barely audibly. I paused and after a moment's deliberation, climbed in next to him. I leaned towards him and cuddled into his side, falling asleep listening to the sounds of our intermingled breathing.

AN : So what did you think ? And who are James and Benjamin ?

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