XI : Rescue Mission (John)

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"Mycroft, please. We need him." I pleaded angrily, over the phone. "I'm afraid, Dr Watson, my brother is not himself. he is slowly killing himself. I refuse to let him out of rehab until he is cured." said Mycroft breezily before hanging up. I scoffed, and threw my phone onto the table. I buried my face into my hands. Sara walked over to me, tea in hand. I smiled at her gratefully. "You know, there is another way to get Sherlock out of rehab" she said with a smile. I frowned in confusion, then gasped as realisation dawned on me. "No." I said firmly. Sara's smile vanished "Well why not ?" I sighed. "You just got out of jail for swindling people, I'm not letting you go back." I protested. She glared at me. "It's not swindling, it's the art of manipulation. I know what I'm doing, we can do this." I crossed my arms. "You got caught !" I exclaimed. Sara walked over to me, "For the hundredth time, it wasn't my fault !" she huffed, lightly punching me. "Please ?" she asked. "Just trust me." I stared into her eyes. "Fine." I sighed. She grinned.  "So here's what we'll do..."


I wasn't sure how I felt about this. I walked down the corrridor, dressed as one of the guards. I hoped no-one noticed Sara and that other guy wonder off into the locker room and me taking his place. I peered into the room to see Sherlock lying on his bed. "Sherlock." I hissed. He didn't look at me. "For the last time, I don't need help !" He yelled. "What do you mean?"I replied, peering through the window. "Sherlock, it's me!"
" John ?! What took you so long? I've been waiting." I rolled my eyes. Classic Sherlock. "Come on then," I said, opening the door. Sherlock walked over to me "Hello." He said. I hugged him, he froze up, before patting me lightly on the back. "I'm glad you're back." I said. He smiled slightly "Of course you are." He smirked, before waltzing out of the room. I stared after him in annoyance, before smiling and running after him. "Sherlock!"I shouted. "Why are you going that way?" He had started running off in another direction, towards a dead end and a small window. He said nothing, climbing through the window. "Sherlock !" I whispered angrily, "We're going to get caught !". He didn't reply. A few minutes later, He climbed back through the window, with his coat. "All of this for a coat ?!" I yelled in exasperation. "You think I'd go out like this ?" He gestured to the dirty t-shirt and sweatpants underneath the coat. "Please John. I have a reputation." I sighed. "Come on !" I huffed, running back the way we came. As we rounded the corner, we saw Sara "What took you so long ?" She hissed. I sighed "Someone had to get his coat ." I said pointedly. Sara rolled her eyes. "I was beginning to get worried, I think that guard got a little enthusiastic." I raised an eyebrow and she saw my questioning expression. "Long story. All you need to know is he's knocked out on the locker room floor."
"You didn't clean up the mess ?" I asked, immediately adopting Sherlock's attitude.
"Did you want me to ?" shot back Sara. I could almost see Sherlock's eyes rolling behind me.
"Stop flirting and move yourselves,"interrupted Sherlock briskly, grabbing our elbows and running off.


I looked up as the door to Sherlock's bedroom opened. He walked out. His beard and matted hair were gone, and his dishevelled clothes were replaced with a suit. "Thank God ! He's normal again !" I said to Sara, who laughed. Sherlock gave me a sardonic smile. "Yes John, we all aspire to be normal, like you. The army veteran, who lives with his sociopathic best friend, and his felon girlfriend." He said. I glared "She isn't my girlfriend !" I protested, "And don't use the word veteran, it makes me sound old."
"You are old." Sherlock pointed out, collapsing into his chair. "Yeah, thanks mate." I said wearily, pinching the bridge of my nose. Suddenly Sherlock clapped his hands together loudly. "Right, what's the case then ?" I looked at Sara. "What case ?" She said innocently. He gave us a withering look. "However much you missed me John, you are still a doctor. Unless it was something urgent, you wouldn't try to break me out of rehab. And, judging by the way Sara winces every time she turns, I assume she has suffered a wound to the chest. Her stiff posture alludes to the presence of bandages, however the bandages are too big for a bullet wound . With this knowledge, I conclude she has suffered a stab wound to the chest, so I shall repeat myself : What is the case ?" I gaped, 5 years and I still couldn't get over his deductions. Sara cleared her throat, "We need to find the man who stabbed me - Joe Steinfield."

AN : Yay ! Sherlock's back !!! Now all that's missing is Kara :)

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Thank you so much for all your help !!!

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