XXIX : Comfort (John)

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I smiled as I heard Sara sneaking up behind me. Just as she was about to reach for me I turned around, grabbing her outstretched wrist. "Again ?" She exclaimed, pouting in frustration. "How do you always hear me ?!" She said. I grinned, tapping my nose. "If I tell you all my secrets, all my mystery will be gone." She scoffed, before kissing me. I smiled, before deepening the kiss. "How's Kara ?" I murmured against her lips. "Asleep for now. But I don't think she'll ever be the same again." She replied ruefully. "I should go change her bandages." I said, pressing a final kiss to her lips and walking into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Then, I walked into Sherlock's room. And froze. Kara sat in the corner of the room, sobbing silently, rocking back and forth. The bandages that covered her wrist had been ripped off and lay discarded on the ground. The windows had been thrown open, and the curtains billowed wildly. I went over to the window, shutting it with a bang. Then I looked over to Kara. The only sounds she emitted were gasps. Her eyes were firmly shut, and she was muttering something between her sobs. "Kara ?" I asked gently. She looked up, eyes wide in pure terror. "NO, NO DON'T HURT ME." She yelled, acting too fast for me to react. She threw open the windows, and lunged forward. I ran forward and grabbed her wrist. She cried out in pain and I realised I was pressing on Moriarty's initials. I moved forward and she shrank back. "PLEASE, please don't hurt me." She begged. Hysteria evident in her eyes. "Moriarty isn't here Kara. It's just me." She didn't listen, digging her nails into my arms. I winced as I felt the nails pierce my skin. I took her unharmed hand and guided it to my wrist, just like I'd done to Sara, letting her feel my pulse. At first it seemed like it wouldn't work as she continued to plead for mercy and thrash wildly, I kept a firm grip on her, reassuring her. Then, as if a spell had been broken, her eyes cleared and she stopped screaming. She backed away "O-oh God." She began. "I'm so so sorry." She turned away, hand covering her mouth as sobs began to rack her body. "No it's ok." I said softly, "But I need to examine your arm." She sat on the bed, crying softly and held out her arm. I gasped. Her arm was covered in blood. She had clawed at the scar, until her wrist was a lacerated mess. I said nothing, instead putting disinfectant on a piece of cotton and beginning to clean the wrist. She inhaled sharply as the disinfectant stung. "Sorry." I Said. She said nothing, her breaths ragged and uneven. "Why did he leave ?" She asked, startling me. "Kara he-" She interjected "Don't lie to me. Please." I sighed, handing her the note. I began to bandage the clean wound, as her eyes scanned the paper. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she furiously wiped them away with her free hand. "He's an idiot. An utter idiot." She whispered, barely audibly. I smiled. "You're Safe." I Said "Sherlock is an idiot but he will come back. Eventually." I promised. Eventually." On cue Sara walked in with a cup of tea. She passed it to Kara, hugging her. "Thank you. All of you." She said.

AN : Slightly shorter, but still hope you enjoyed. If you feel there is something I can improve on, please tell me. I could do with the opinion 😘😘 Love you guys Xx

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