XXXIV : Confessions (John)

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I walked up to Mycroft's office and threw open the door, "Where is he ?" I asked, ignoring the very shocked, wait was that the mayor ? I pushed the questions aside and looked to Mycroft. He glowered at me. "Dr Watson, I am in the mid-"
"Cut the bullshit Mycroft. Tell me where he is." He leaned back in his seat. "I cannot tell you Dr Watson. Please try to understand, I promised Sherlock. Now if you'll excuse me I am in the mi-"
"You've never shown any sort of respect for your brother so far, so what is this sudden wave of compassion ?" I spat before walking out, slamming the door behind me. I took deep breaths, calming myself and I heard Mycroft hastily apologise on my behalf. I stalked back to the car.


I opened the door and shut it loudly. I walked up the stairs to see Sara staring at me, concerned. Her hair stuck up at odd angles and her checkered shirt was crumpled but to me she looked beautiful. Instantaneously, I felt my troubles leave me as I stared at my gorgeous girlfriend. "He didn't tell you ?" She asked, stepping into my arms. I shook my head, breathing in her scent : Vanilla and roses. In that moment I realised. "I love you." I whispered barely audibly. "W-what ?" She said pulling away. I smiled "Sara Bishop, I love you." She was speechless and tears of joy sprang to her eyes "Really ?"
"I was so lonely when Mary died and then along you came, snarky comments and all and I fell in love with you. Utterly and completely. So yes, Sara I love you." I said. She pulled me into a kiss, passionate and joyous. "I-I love you too John." She said, voice hoarse and tears sliding down her face. I half laughed before hugging her. Then I pulled away and crashed my lips down to hers. "I think we should take this to the bedroom Dr Watson, don't you ?" She asked huskily. I kissed her one last time before we ran into the bedroom.

AN : Yay !! At least one ship is still afloat, love all around. Double update 😍😘😍

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