XXV : Recovering (John)

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I stared at Sherlock. He looked much better than he did at the house. It turned out the only wound he had was his stitches reopening. It was more of the mental toll that caused him to collapse. Kara was a different story. God knows what Moriarty had done to her. Her leg was broken in three places, her face was covered in cuts and on her lower arm was a deep cut, which when cleaned up revealed a jagged J.M. A wave of nausea passed over me when I heard the news. But the worst part was that she wouldn't wake up. She was severely dehydrated and malnourished. Suddenly, the door opened and Sara walked up to me. "How's Kara ?" I whispered. She buried her face into my side. "The doctors say she is stable, but even after she wakes up they'll have to keep her in the hospital for a few weeks." she mumbled. I sighed, toying with strands of her hair. "And Sam?" We'd left Sam at 221B, under the care of Mrs Hudson. We'd decided that Sara had essentially moved into 221B, Sam could have 221C. Sara half-smiled. "As good as someone who's just been saved by their long lost sister can be ?" she said. "And you ?" she smiled. "Honestly, I don't think I've processed it yet. I mean, we found Kara and Sam, and we stopped Moriarty." she breathed out. I smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, which deepened as the seconds went by. "Can you not ?" We broke apart to see Sherlock staring at us with a disgruntled expression on his face. "Oh, Sherlock, you're awake." said Sara. "Glad to see you can state the obvious Sara, now where's Kara ?" he said, climbing out of the bed. I hurriedly pushed him back down. "You need to rest Sherlock. I promise, as soon as she wakes up I will tell you." he looked at me confused. "What do you mean, when she wakes up. What did Moriarty do to her ?" I glanced at Sara. "She's dehydrated and malnourished, and unresponsive, we don't know exactly what Moriarty did to her." She said gravely. A pained expression passed across his face, before he nodded silently and fell back on the pillows.

AN : So, new chapter. I'm really sorry but for the next two weeks, my updates will be restricted to once or twice a week because I am going on holiday :(

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