XXXIX : Beliefs (Sam)

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I ran my fingers through my hair nervously. I saw Sherlock whilst we were kissing. His face, he looked broken. I couldn't do this anymore, it was breaking Sherlock's heart and going against everything I stood for. I still hadn't gotten over Elaine, maybe I never would, I didn't know, but what I did know was that this had to stop. It was unhealthy, wrong and it couldn't go on. She loved him, I could see it. Taking a deep breath, I walked into Kara's room. She looked up as I entered, smiling. "Hey." She said, I smiled slightly. "What's wrong ?" She asked, concerned. I sat next to her. "Kara, this has to stop." She frowned "We don't have feelings for each other and Sherlock loves you." I continued. Kara froze and I blanched as I realised my mistake. "H-he's back ?" She asked softly. I nodded, staring into her eyes. "Kara, please. This isn't working. I can't steal another person's love. We need to end this, it's wrong and goes against everything I believe in." her eyes watered as she nodded slowly. "And we can still be friends ?" I laughed, nodding. She smiled slightly before picking up her coat. "I'm going out for a walk, I'll be back soon." I nodded as she walked out of the door.

I brushed hair from my face as I walked into the park. It was windy so I wrapped my coat tight around my body. I guess I understood where Sam was coming from. It wasn't a beneficial relationship, but I didn't understand why Sherlock wouldn't tell me he was back. A wave of nostalgia passed over me as I saw the duck pond. I walked forward, navigating my way through the shrubs and trees that shrouded the grove. A figure was feeding the ducks and I packed as I recognised Sherlock. I turned to leave freezing when he spoke "Kara ?" He said, disbelieving. I turned, walking forwards. "It's been a while Holmes." I replied smiling slightly. "Why didn't you tell me you were back ?" I asked. He looked away, focusing on the pond. "I was, but then I saw you with Sam, you looked so happy."
"I don't understand, why is that a reason not to tell me you were back ?" He turned to me and I shrank under his intense gaze. "Because you looked happy with Sam but, I couldn't bare to see you so in love with another person." He mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear. I scoffed, "Sherlock, I wasn't in love with Sam." I protested. He didn't listen so I grabbed his arm. He turned around and a look of pain passed over his features. "Kara, you've moved on, I haven't and I can accept that but please, -" I cut him off, crashing my lips to his, not caring that he was frozen and rigid, but then, he kissed back. I pulled away, breathless. "Still think I'm over you ?" I asked. He said nothing, instead, quite literally sprinting away, looking appalled. I stared after him in bewilderment, but I smiled. There was sentiment there, even if he didn't realise it. He kissed back.

AN : YAY! First proper Sherlock and Kara kiss that wasn't a flashback. Hope you enjoyed, at least the silent treatment between them is gone. They'll have to admit their feelings now !!! Love you guys 😘😘😘

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