IX : Joe Steinfield (John)

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I stared at Sherlock in disgust, as the detective sat in front of me in a daze. He wasn't high, but he was lost in his own world, refusing help and food. "Sherlock." I said gently "You need to accept help." Sherlock said nothing, staring into the distance blankly. I frowned. He wouldn't be able to come home if he continued like this. I scoffed. Shaking my head, I got out of my chair and strode out of the building.


As I climbed out of the cab, I noticed the door slightly ajar. Frowning, I hurriedly paid the cab driver and walked into 221B. As I walked in, I heard music coming from Sara's flat. "Hello ?" I called out but there was no reply. Cautiously I walked down the stairs. The music was deafening at this point. "Sara ?" I called again. I walked into the bedroom and my face turned ashen as I saw the scene in front of me. Sara lay on the ground arms spread out and hair fanned out, she looked like an angel. However there was a problem. A knife stuck out of her chest. Her face was gaunt and blood pooled around her. I rushed forward, frantically checking for a pulse. "Stay with me." I whispered, exhaling in relief when I found a pulse. I dialled for an ambulance and cradled Sara's head in my lap, using a bed sheet to staunch the blood flow. I saw a piece of paper, poking out from under the bed.

Found you. This is what happens to people who mess with me.

I crumpled up the paper in disgust. Stroking Sara's hair, I vowed to find whoever had done this to her.

AN : So sorry this is so short :(  I've been very busy lately. If you're enjoying the story, please consider voting or commenting ways for me to make it better !!

Code Name : Chaos (A BBC Sherlock Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ