XLIX : Engagement (John)

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I watched over my book as Sara left the house, not telling us where she was going for the fifth time this week. I waited until I heard the door shut to open the box. A few weeks ago, I'd told my grandmother I was dating someone. Two days later the box was on my doorstep.

My dear John,
For that special someone, just in case.

I traced the note with my fingers, frowning slightly before turning to Sherlock. "When did you realise you wanted to marry Kara, before she faked her death ?" His head snapped up and his eyes scanned over me, from my shoes, to the note in my hand and the box on my lap. He smiled slightly before sighing. "It was raining, and I was in the lab doing some experiments, Kara was helping and I just looked over to her and she was bent over a microscope doing something or the other, glasses slipping off her nose and I, I just realised, this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." I thought back to the time when I first told Sara I loved her. I thought back to our first kiss. "Are you going to ask her ?" Asked Sherlock. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Honestly mate, I don't know. I want to, but what if she, what if she refuses. Things are good at the moment, great, I just don't want to mess things up." Sherlock's expression softened. "Truth be told, I was terrified too, I mean have you met me ? I thought she'd leave me for sure, but I was utterly, irrevocably in love with her, I had to try, there's no other way of knowing." He responded, standing up. I sighed as I opened the box. A ring lay inside, my grandmother's it was beautiful but subtle. I knew what I had to do.

AN : I am so sorry for the long wait and short chapter. I've been really busy there past few days but I will be back to normal soon. Only two or three chapters left ! Hope you enjoyed ! Yay proposals 😘😘 Love you guys Xx

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