XXXVIII : Realisations (Sherlock)

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"Sherlock !" yelled Sierra, "Why won't you just listen ?" I groaned, putting my violin down and staring at her. "Because, you insist on making invalid assumptions with no evidence to back them up." She buried her hands in her face. Just then, Irene walked in, holding an ice-pack to her face. Surveying the situation, she grabbed a bottle of water and walked towards us. "What has he done now ?" She asked, smirking. "He won't admit he's still in love with Kara." She exclaimed, scowling at me. "Oh, Sherlock dear, can you really not see it ? It's staring you right in the face." Said Irene mockingly. I glared,
"Oh really, and what evidence do you have ?" I asked. She smiled before walking towards me, reaching into my coat pocket. "How about the fact you keep her wedding ring in your pocket, or maybe you want me to bring up the fact that every time someone so much as mentions Kara you automatically reach for the ring." I looked away. "What if she's moved on ?" I asked softly. Sierra's expression softened, "Sherlock, she loves you. I haven't even met her and I can tell. You need to get her back." I stood up and walked out of the door, ignoring the questions from Irene and Sierra.


I walked into the flower shop, scrunching up my nose as the sickly sweet scent of flowers wafted up my nose. I walked up to the counter, and the lady stared at me. "Are you looking for anything in particular ?" She asked, smiling warmly.
"Something special. But not too big." I replied, looking around uncomfortably. This place was too cozy, too calm, too happy. "Is there a special lady ?" She asked with a wink. I blushed slightly, a rare display of emotion I hadn't shown in a long time. "I have just the thing." She said before disappearing into the back, coming back a moment later, bouquet in hand. It was beautiful. Orchids were focused in the middle, coloured violet and baby blue. Then, peonies adorned the sides, a pale pink that complimented the orchids perfectly. The scent was sweet but not too strong. I thanked the lady gratefully before paying and walking out of the shop. It was early evening and the sun had started to set, painting the sky in hues of red and orange. I smiled, before beginning to walk to Baker Street.


I stood, a street away from Baker Street, apprehension causing a wave of nausea to pass over me. What is I had made the wrong choice, what if she didn't love me anymore ? I pushed my fears away. Taking a deep breath, I rounded the corner. Kara stood on the front steps, talking animatedly to Sam. She laughed at something Sam said, placing her hand lightly on her arm. They stood and opened the door, preparing to go inside. All of a sudden, Kara grabbed Sam and kissed him. I watched in shock as they stood, unknowingly crushing my heart. My eyes burned as I tried to keep tears at bay. I turned briskly on my heel, the flowers hanging limply at my side. I tossed them into a bin, the beautiful petals becoming marred and I smiled bitterly before taking out the ring. She's moved on. So why can't I ? I thought. By know tears were running down my face freely and I turned up my coat collar to hide them. I slid the ring back into my pocket, staring at the horizon, my vision blurred with tears. I'll forget her, lock my heart away. What have I done to deserve this ? I hailed a cab, muttering the address before shutting the door, closing off my heart.

AN : Don't hate meeeeee 😈😈😈 Hope you liked the chapter Xx
Dedicated to Uilosris iamsherlocked64 love you guys so much 😘😘😘

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