XXVIII : Tears (Kara)

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"Sara, I'm fine !" I insisted as she tried to wheel me out of the hospital. "You most certainly are not fine. It's been three hours since you woke up, and the doctors only agreed to let you come home if we took proper care of you !" I sighed. Then, looking over at John, who was talking to a doctor. I smiled. "So, you and Doctor Watson, how long has that been going on ?" I asked with a smile. She crinkled her nose at the formal address, before realising that he and I had only spoken a few words to each other. Her eyes lit up and her face brightened when she talked about him. "It's been around a month, relatively new, but yeah, it's great." She blushed slightly as John came over, pressing a small kiss to her cheek. I looked away, trying desperately not to think of how, if it wasn't for Moriarty, that could've been Sherlock and I. Stop it. Jim is dead. And Sherlock's feelings for you are gone. There is no point in longing for something that is impossible !
I scolded myself.

11 years ago (Sherlock)
I gulped as I stood by the duck pond. It was night overhead so there was no one to be seen in the park. I had placed candles around the perimeter of the pond, giving the area a magical glow, a beacon of light in the darkened park. The stars shone brightly overhead, and a small sliver of the moon peeked out from behind the trees. I pulled out the ring. It was made up of two silver bands, interwoven together. In the middle was a small amethyst. Her birthstone. "17 February." I thought to myself. Closing the box, I gulped nervously. "Not long now." On cue, Kara stepped through the trees. I hastily tucked the box into my pocket, smiling brightly. She gasped as she took in the sight. I had lain a blanket on the grass, as well as a bottle of wine and two glasses. This, combined with the candles, gave the shrouded clearing a breathtaking effect. "Oh, Sherlock. You didn't have to all of this." She said in awe. "Happy Birthday Darling." I Said grinning. She ran up to me, pulling my lips down to hers. We stood there for a while, the world becoming still as we kissed. Eventually, we broke apart. Kara's eyes closed, half- smiling. I led her to the blanket. Pouring us wine, I lay down. She put her head on my chest, and we gazed at the sky. "Thank you Sherlock. This is beautiful." She said, smiling up at me. I nodded, before sitting up and reaching into my pocket to give her, not the ring, but another present. She took it, carefully unwrapping the delicate paper. She inhaled quickly when she saw it. It was a silver bracelet, delicate with intricate patterns. "Sherlock, it's beautiful." She said. I smiled, "Read the engraving." I said. She examined the inside. "All that you are is all I will ever need." It read. She turned to me. "What's wrong, do you not like it ? We can retu-" she cut me off with a hug. "I love it." She whispered. I pressed a kiss to her forehead. Turning on one of the speakers, I stood up, gesturing for her to do the same. I led her to the grass. We danced, swaying to the music. After a while, I stopped. "It's time." I thought. "Ever since the day we met, there has been something different about you. You were the one person that wanted to be friends with me, despite my considerable flaws. You are the reason I look forwards to the next day. Everything I've never done, I want to do with you. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you Kara Dives." I said, pulling out the box, sinking to one knee. She was grinning and tears were falling from her face. "Kara Dives, will you marry me and do me the honour of becoming my wife ?" My voice cracked. "Yes. Yes of course, Sherlock." She said, laughing through her tears. My eyes began to water as I slipped the ring onto her finger. My lips crashed to hers, salty from tears. "She said yes." The thought filled my mind. And I grinned, hugging her close.

I snapped back to attention as the cab stopped in front of Baker Street. John manoeuvred my wheelchair out of the taxi, before moving to open the front door. Then I realised. "Stop !" I called out. John looked at me, confused. "Does Mrs Hudson know I-I'm alive ?" I asked. Sara frowned. "Well she knew that someone was moving in, and that Sherlock was looking for a lady. But she doesn't know your name. Why ?" I gulped nervously. "Sherlock and I, we lived in Baker Street before-" John nodded "We'll warn her." He said, before paling as the door opened. "John, is that you ? I heard voices at the door and I-" she dropped the cup of tea she was holding. It crashed to the ground. "Not dead ?" I offered. "K-Kara ?" She stuttered. Tears beginning to form. I nodded "Mrs Hudson I'm so sorry-" I began but she let out a cry of joy and wrapped me in a hug. "Oh god. I should've known it was you Sherlock was looking for." I patted her gently on the back with a smile. Then she gasped. "Look at you. What've you been eating, you look like a ghost ! Ooh and the cup. It was china!" She exclaimed mournfully, before running off to get a broom. I looked at John and Sara, who were wearing twin expressions of bewilderment, before laughing.

AN : 945 words, not bad for an hour's work!! So what'd you guys think of the proposal ?? And the 1st person flashback - do you prefer the 3rd person ones or the 1st person ?
Shoutouts :

Love you guys 💕😘💕

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