XVIII : Drowning ( Sherlock)

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I struggled as I was pulled down by the water, which was rapidly turning red from the gaping wound in my chest. My coat was slipping off my shoulders, my scarf was tightening around my neck like a noose and black spots danced around the edges my vision. My legs and arms went limp and I let myself drown. Then I was pulled upwards. I opened my eyes groggily, to see Kara's face looming over me. My eyes widened and I moved away, then I saw her face. It was tearstained and red. "Oh God, Sherlock I-I'm so sorry." she choked out, frantically tearing her scarf off and pressing it to my wound. She stroked my head, muttering silent apologies.

Suddenly, the door opened. Moriarty walked in and Kara scrambled away from me in terror. He walked over to me, to push me into the pool when Kara shrieked "No, NO !" he silenced her with a punch. He moved towards me with a twisted smile on his face and I tried to crawl away in vain. I was saved by the door being punched down. His smile faded. Gathering the unconscious Kara he escaped through the back. I saw John run after him, and Sara coming with paramedics to my side. I closed my eyes. "NO, no, Sherlock stay with me." was the last thing I heard. 


I woke up in my bed to see John watching me. "I figured you'd escape if I kept you in the hospital, so I decided to save you the trouble." he remarked dryly. I chuckled, then winced as a stabbing pain, clenched my chest. Just then, Sara walked in. Wordlessly, she passed me a glass of water and a pill. "For the pain" she explained. I nodded in acknowledgement. After a while, I propped myself up on my elbows. "Kara." I said. John looked at Sara "We know. we're sorry mate." he said. "NO!" I exclaimed. Sara jumped. "Sorry. She's on our side." I said. Seeing their confused expressions, I explained. "She pulled me out of the water, saving my life at the risk of my her own. We have to find her before Moriarty hurts her, or worse-" I cried out in pain. Picking up the forgotten glass of water, I downed the pill in one gulp. John placed his arm on Sara's shoulder, pressing a kiss to her forehead.  "We will find her mate, I promise." 

AN : To make up for the short chapter, I'm giving you a double update !! :)

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