XXXVI : Fight (Irene)

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I adjusted my hold on my bag as I walked into the MI6 training base. After Honduras, I'd gone into hiding, shielding myself from Jim. Two weeks later, Mycroft found me and gave me a choice. "Prison or MI6" you can probably guess what I chose. I had training, every day from 5-10. It was brutal, I came home bruised, battered and more often than not bleeding. I pushed open the door. Russel, my trainer, stood in front of me, glaring. They all hated me, and I guess I understood them. They'd been training for years to become agents an then I come waltzing in already recruited. "You're Late." He sneered, gesturing for me to follow him into the ring. I took up a fighting stance and we circled each other, cautiously. Suddenly, he sprang forwards, his fist lashing out, I ducked too late and his fist connected with my jaw with a sickening crack. "Weak." He scoffed. Sweeping his leg along the ground, he threw me off my feet. I landed on the ground with a resounding thud. He laughed and so did the other trainees "What was Mr. Holmes thinking when he hired that bimbo brunette ?" I growled before launching myself at him. Punch, feint left, dodge right, Leg sweep, roundhouse kick, jab, uppercut. I worked in a craze, each attack sending Russel stumbling backwards, reeling. He managed to get one punch in, causing my nose to bleed. I ignored it, focusing on my fighting. I flipped him on his back. His face was bleeding and he groaned lightly, I flashed him a triumphant smile "Still a brunette bimbo ?" I asked before stepping over him and walking to the punching bags.


I opened the door silently, creeping inside. I'd fought against 5 other people and beat 3 of them. I was happy with my progress, even though I ached all over. I headed for my room, freezing when I heard a voice. "What were you doing ?" Asked Sierra with a smile. I turned to face her. The moonlight shed light on her dark skin and black hair which hung, off her neck in a messy bun. Her dark eyes were filled with question and they glinted mischievously. She was something new, something different, something beautiful. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I said, my lips curving upwards. She walked closer to me. "There's no way you could, disclose your secrets ?" She said , leaning in close. I ignored the rising blush, what was wrong with me ? I was Irene Adler, The Woman. I shouldn't be blushing because of some pretty woman. Defences down, I felt caught like a deer in headlights. I ran into my room, silently cursed myself for being so weak.

AN : Short filler Chapter !! Some more Irene and Sierra. Also, MI6 Agent Adler, What do you think ? Love you guys Xx

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