VII : The Party (Kara)

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I jolted forward as the car came to a screeching halt "Sorry!" Said Sara apologetically. I grimaced and nodded. Climbing out of the car, I took in my surroundings. It was 6:00 so the sun was just starting to set, painting the sky in a beautiful sunset. People milled around the beach and a couple were swimming. I turned "I have to go find Joma." I said, everyone nodded "Ok, remember everyone, Look for evidence linking Benjamin and Joma and any other important information." Said Sherlock, ignoring me as usual. I walked away. Now that everyone believed that Joma was with me I just had to keep out of sight. I took off my sundress to reveal my swimsuit, and ran towards the sea, soaking up the feel of the sand between my toes.
After an hour of aimless swimming, I got out of the sea and headed for the bar. As I passed the restaurant I saw two people making out, they looked familiar. I squinted and then took a step backwards. I would recognise those curls anywhere. It was Sherlock and Irene. Emotions flooded me. Anger, disgust and...jealousy, sadness ? Stop that I scolded myself. This is for a mission and nothing else, I'm not in love with Sherlock Holmes. No, I can't be in love with him. I turned away and walked to the bar "Dry Martini." I said to the Barkeep "Tsk tsk." Said a voice "Not a good idea to be drinking on the job Miss Dives." I turned and found myself staring into the eyes of James Moriarty "But it isn't your job anymore, so by all means continue." He said with a malicious grin. "What are you doing here ?" I hissed "You'll blow Irene and I's cover." I said. James chuckled "You don't need a cover anymore." He said "You weren't making any progress so I have substituted you with Miss Adler, and you will be coming with me after this party. My people have packed for you and left a note explaining your absence in the house. All you need to do is tell one of them that you are leaving the party early." I glared "No." I said. He raised an eyebrow "Need I remind you that I can have your family killed with one phone call." He said. I crumpled in resignation. He smiled and walked away, effortlessly disappearing into the crowd. I blinked back tears. When Moriarty first got to me, I thought it would be a one time thing - do the job and then I could go back to Sherlock. I was wrong, and now I was going to be stuck in this life for the rest of my life. At least if I was never going to see Sherlock again I could tell him the truth - most of it at least. Grabbing a pen and paper I began to write.

It was 11:30 and we had gathered in the car park - except for Kara. According to Sara, she left early. "She was acting really weird." Said Sara, "She also asked me to give this to you." She pulled out a letter with my name written on it. I tucked it into my coat. We all climbed into the car. I knew Kara had seen Irene and I kissing. The way my heart twisted at the sight of her face made me wonder if I had made a mistake. I was jolted out of my thoughts by a nudge from John. "We're here." He said. I got out of the car and walked to my bedroom. Kara's door was shut, so I assumed she was asleep. Opening the door to my room, I saw a note, typed. Goodbye Mr Holmes it said. I paused, she left early, she was acting really weird, Goodbye Mr Holmes. I ran to Kara's room and threw open the door, slamming it behind me. All her things were packed away, any trace of her was gone. It was if she'd never been here. I pulled out the letter from my coat and ripped it open.

Dear Sherlock,
By the time you read this I will be long gone. Don't come after me. I'm begging you. Artimes Joma is not who you think he is. You need to leave this case alone and go back to London. Do not trust Irene, she is working for him. Go back to London and forget about her and I. Take care of yourself . Even if you can't forgive me, know that I will always love you, no matter where I am. My heart belongs to you Sherlock Holmes.
I sat on the bed, tears forming in my eyes. She was alive. I found her again, after all this time but now she was gone. Again.

AN : Don't kill me !! 😭😂 She will be back ;)

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