Anzai x reader part 3

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This was requested by Drakodisa

It has been a few months Anzai has been coming over to check up on you. You would ask him to stay but he said he couldn't because he has work to do. But what you didn't know that he was a vampire but you had noticed the dark cirlces under his eyes but you thought it was from something else.

Anzai P.O.V

The reason that I have been coming to her house often because I was worried why? Is that the vampire attacks happening not very often but I do care. I can't explain how I feel about her. Her h/l h/c hair, beautiful e/c eyes and soft s/c skin. But I am a devil or vampire. And devils and humans aren't supposed to be together. But still I should tell her how i feel. Now I just feel dumb

10 minutes later

Its longer than i throught because I would usually jump to her house. Its still the afternoon. But just in time I see her walk out the store. Just right I'm about to call her out some guy comes ans starts to talk to her. This makes me pissed off. But realizing if i get mad then I would go in my vampire. I decided to follow her.

Your P.O.V

Long day I was just about to leave until G/N comes. He is also know as the ex. "Hey y/n how about you stay at my place " omg he won't leave. "No " "why it would be better than your place " " you said you wanted to break up now LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I yell then walk away. Once again he follows me. I swear then i have no idea where I'm walking. I walk into a random dead end.'just like how Anzai was following me ' I blushed a bit. And G/N noticed he smirks then pins me onto a wall. I struggle to break free "LET GO OF ME!!." I yell. "Don't worry-" I close my eyes shut then feeling his hands off of me. Then grunts. I open them to find Anzai beating G/N but noticing that he has blood on his face so I pull back Anzai to see his eyes red and yellow. I quickly let go. "A-Anzai" he sees me. G/N runs away like a little bitch he is. " this Is why I couldnt stay it was work and me being a vampire" before he could walk away I grabbed him then pulled him into a kiss which Kissed back "I don't care what you are I still love you" " i love you to"
Then we went home holding hands

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