Anzai x M!Reader

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This story follows episode 2 from devils line which means the same time when tsukasa gets sexual harrasted by her teacher. So this will mean it will have attempt at rape


Anzai P.O.V

Why is he letting me inside. He isn't scared of me i'm a devil and he's a human. He's making tea but why is he smiling. His house is warm might as well warm up. I take off my sweater and fold it into a pillow and lay one the floor. Then m/n puts a blanket on me causing me to sleep. ' so warm'

Anzai's dream small manga spoilers

"HEY YUUKI!" i turn around and get hit in the face with a snowball.

"D-Don't do that" it was a girl.

" H-He's crying"

" wow yuuko you really lik-" she pushes the boy in embarrassment.

" do you want to make a snowman?"

"uh sure"

Dream over

' target T has been spotted she is hiding on top on a building.' Right I forgot that I was supposed to find that devil. I looked around to still find myself in his house. I heard a small groan coming from m/n. But he looks worried. I got my stuff to leave and said one last thing.

" stay inside."


Great now Anzai left. I did have him enter my house for some tea then found him asleep. so I found an extra planet and layed it on him. I turn off the lights and head to my table. I only didn't it to at least help me focus my I ended up falling asleep but also waking up to find anzai leaving. I sigh but found anzai's wallet. I should find a way to return this to him. I grabbed it and put on my shoes and coat and headed out. the building that Anzai had to be in had to be closed off to the public so I should find a way in. I was lucky that it was close. I was able to get insode with out getting caught. I made it to the top to hear people talking.

"Do you have someone that you would do anything in the world to protect. " the woman said.

"The love of my life was only helping me make dinner then he cut his finger and told me lick it off. The next thing I know is that he is on the ground while I'm drinking his blood!" i feel bad for devils. They live in fear that once they see blood they can do worse. I left the building and went home. I took off my shoes and coat and was about to out anzai's wallet on the table until there was a soft thud outside. I look back to see a pissed off Anzai.

"I knew it you followed me!" he reaches for the window stops then slams it open.

"And you didn't even lock your winfow its the middle of the night who knows what can happen!"

"Yeah you're right but you left this here I wanted to return it to you." We had a small talk until he noticed a book and asked me about it. I haven't returned the book. So tomorrow Anzai has a day off and I can return the book and finally have time to talk.

Next day

I headed to my school and tried to find ochiai office.

"Lets see his office should be around here." then the door opened scaring.

"Oh m/n what are you doing here."

"I came to return this book I had"

"it was you"

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