Kikuhara x Reader AGNST + Fluff

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I'm back! This was requested by juliet_flower
I didn't know what you want so I did this with a song I really liked. The story starts off sad then gets better at the end. Also I really wouldn't call this AGNST. But I did try.

Black Dahlia by Hollywood Undead. Also if you're playing the music then start at 0:55

Also Kikuhara is way OOC.


I've, lost it all, fell today, it's all the same
I'm sorry oh , I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no

Kikuhara doesn't have a care in the world of what he does. No matter what he's done, it didn't strike a single emotion, not even remorse. He broke her heart yet didn't care.

And I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh , I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no

Y/n felt deceived. She believed she would be happy with him but wasn't. The others were right, he never cared. She should've believed Zero Seven when she said "He doesn't have any romantic feelings for anyone."

I wish I could have quit you, I wish I never missed you
And told you that I loved you, every time I fucked you

When Kikuhara found out the Y/n moved on, it actually struck him, hard. He saw her with F squad have fun without him, never showed that emotion to him.

The future that we both drew, and all the shit we've been through,
Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew

Kikuhara was drowning himself in alcohol, trying to rid himself of this feeling. He didn't want to be away from her, he wanted to love her, cherish her, do anything for her. It was something he never understood.

How could you do this to me?
Look at what I made for you, it never was enough and the world is what I gave to you

Y/n was looking back at the so-called "Memories" she had with him. Sure he was a dick most of the time but rarely he did care.

I used to be love struck, now I'm just fucked up,
Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts

She found herself also missing him, but knew that he wouldn't want her back. Even if he did Kikuhara would just play with her feelings again. When she was about to grab a drink her phone rang.

And I've, lost it all, fell today, it's all the same
I'm sorry oh , I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no

Kikuhara was calling her. He was done feeling this way, he did miss her. She picked up the phone, both of them feel silent. He didn't know what to say, she didn't either.

And I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh , I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no

"I'm sorry." Y/n couldn't believe what he was saying. "I'm a terrible person. I broke your trust, your love."

Seems like all we had is over now you left to rest
And your tears are dried up now, you just lay without a sound

"I could care less if you were to leave. It means less problems for me." Kikuhara said. Y/n wanted to break up with him. "So you would care if I were to cheat on you."

"I honestly think we weren't dating. It meant nothing to me. You were just wasting your time." She grabbed the rest of her stuff and left.

Kikuhara was right. He didn't try to stop her or make any moves.

Seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest
And my fears are over now
I can leave with my head down

"I want to hold you again, miss you. So much that it confuses me. I don't want to you l-leave me." He was to the point of crying. She straight up believed him.

"Please." It was silent on both slides. That's when he heard his doorbell ring. Getting up from his bed and rushed to the door.

Y/n was standing there, out of breath. He tightly hugged her and continued to beg. She places her lips onto his. Kissing back they stayed like that for awhile until they pulled back for air.

Kikuhara let Y/n enter his apartment, laying down next to her. Arms tightly wrapped around her waist. "I love you, Y/n." He confessed.

"I love you too, Kikuhara."

He felt glad that she was there, she cuddled into his chest as he continued to cry softly.

How was it? It was my first time doing something like this. I honestly feel like whenever he smiles it always a creepy smile.

Next up: Makimura x Reader

I still don't have an idea what to do for that oneshot but ideas are welcomed.

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