Kikuhara x Reader Happy Sugar Life Au

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Sorry if this is really late but sometimes my mental health can get the best of me and I still try to write. Online school is stressing me out and another is the marching band. But I'm still gonna write since I'm feeling better now. Requested by: juliet_flower

(This is going to be a one-shot but if you guys really like this then I'll make this into a full story. Also, I'm still deciding who Taiyo and Asahi would be. Recommendations would help! Another thing, the reader is 15 or 16 and Kikuhara would be around 22.)


-My Happy Sugar Life-

3rd P.O.V

Sawazaki gazed at Kikuhara oddly, he was acting lively and smiling. It's strange to find him truly smile instead of a fake one. "Is there something wrong Sawazaki?" Kikuhara notices.

"It seems you've been acting a bit strange. Have you finally got a date after work?"

"No, I finally turned over a new leaf, I've met the love of my life."

"A-are you serious?!" Kikuhara motioned him to be silent, "Alright."

'I never imagined of Kikuhara would have a relationship.' Sawazaki thought.

"We even moved in together."

"Oh god, please tell me your joking." Sawazaki worries.

"It's our secret," Kikuhara whispers to him. "That's why I've been working harder, for both of us."

'A broken woman?'

-Time Skip-

"You should've seen Kikuhara, he was acting strange," Jill complained.

"Isn't he always weird?" Anzai questioned

"No, I mean, he was all smiling-"

"Okay, I see your point." Anazi's eyes follow Kikuhara as he packs his things. A small smile formed as he walked out.

-To Kikuhara-

As he walks towards his Apartment he stops in front of the door, 'Yes it's true, I finally met my one true love.' As he unlocks and opens the door, there on the other side waiting for him was an H/c haired girl with bright E/c and S/c.

She jumps out to Kikuhara, wrapping her arms around him. "Kirio, I missed you!" She calls out to him. 'Her sweet aroma, the love of mine that I found of my beloved Y/n. She's my everything.'

As Y/n let's go, Kikuhara placed his hand on her cheek, "So were you waiting at the front door? Did you get cold?"

"I'll be okay, I wait to be there to welcome you back home Kirio!"

He returns the hug, "Y/n, you're too cute!"

'Only a few days ago did I meet Y/n.'


I know this is short but I wanted to write this, I had this idea for a long time. juliet_flower didn't ask for an HSL AU but I wanted to.

-Why Kikuhara as Satou? We all know what happened to his mother and what she did. His mother 'Loved' him almost like what the manager did to Taiyo.

-Why is the Reader so young? I don't support pedo and all of that and if this is like HSL then the Reader is at an age 15 where you could start exploring the world all on your own and probably understand what's going on. Stupid excuse yeah I know but it's what I experience from.

If you guys saw what I wrote then you can ignore this part.

-This is going to be a one-shot but if you guys really like this then I'll make this into a full story. Also, I'm still deciding who Taiyo and Asahi would be. Recommendations would help! Another thing, the Reader is 15 or 16 and Kikuhara would be around 22.

Might turn this into an actual story if you guys really like it. Another thing is it's short cause I wanted to get a feel for it. So there will be more.

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