Sawazaki x Vampire!Reader

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Request are open. Im having writers block so if you want to request you can. It took me awhile to write.

It was a regular cold night. Me being a vampire and able to control my bloodlust. It was time to go out. There have been police everywhere after the accident with the news reporter. Vanpires shouldn't be treated like this. Yeah be suck blood and do other stuff but what about humans. There had been one time where that I snapped at a girl due to calling me ugly cause I had dark circles under my eyes. I beat ger abd nearly killed her untilnthe police came. There was officer who I haf in interest in. He was from F squad. I think and did special cases for vampires. While walking a a vampire running away from vampire murders. I turn my heel and went straight into helping him. One of them noticed me he tried to slash me but I move to the side so I can keep my distance grab the his wrist then base of the neck and then swing with all my force a pinned him to the ground (got this idea from bnha). Then i knocked him out and headed to the other guy. I got right infront arms up to show a battle stance. He tries to attack but i then kick his leg causing him to fall. He tries to get up but his leg was injured. He was able to stand but then I lift my leg and kicked him in the head. (Annie's attack) I noticed the vampire was on the ground scaried. He didn't even transform. "Are you ok?" I ask he nods in fear. Then I hear a car pull up. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" one yells. Right since there was a vampire people were panicking to get out. After awhile the crowd fads down and soon everyone was gone. "You. Are you the casuse of this?" "i was helping a vampire escape you think thats a problem" the guy with the black hats seemed to get mad. Then he looked back at the guys who are on the ground. "You don't seem strong" now that made me mad. I got up on his back and put him into a head lock. "FIGHT ME JACKASS COME ON FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!!!" it was a struggle with this bastard. "Quit fighting" we both turn our head to sawazaki I think. "She did" he points at me. I then bite his finger causing him to yell in pain. I finally got off his back. Before I could leave I hear this. "Thats the girl who nearly killed a student." "Yeah so what." "That means I can have a chance at killing you to." They both turn their heads at me. I just gave them a smile. "Lets start over-" "like an old couple" his face turned red while others just laughed. "WOULD YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.!" "Maybe?" "I'm Anzai Yuuki yours" " y/n l/n" "i heard that last name before." I knew what they were talking about. " my father owns a weapon company and makes lots of money teaching people how to fight. Also make money with the weapons to. Since I live on my own heart started teaching me fight skills. Thats how I was able to bring him down." Anzai left pissed off about something. Sawazaki walked over to me and handed me a pieace of paper with his phone number on it. "Call me" and then left. While I got home I was happy I did call him but of course in the background is can hear Anzai and some other girl making kissing sounds and making fun of him. I was glad I met him.

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