Johannes Kleeman

704 10 0

Your P.O.V

Being with someone that can tell the truth can be fine but someone who says to much like lee is just too much.

"Lee just stop." I asked him. "Why should its the truth."

At first we were just making small jokes but now its just 'you and kikuhara are almost like siblings.'

That pushed me over the edge but not being in pissed but it was like shy. I mean he can be a nice guy but when you think about his age I gave up.

Lee was a good guy he was able to get the truth to someone, he continues with it and it can hurt.

"Please lee just stop, I know I had a crush on him but it was over." I responded sadly.

"Oh sorry then." He replied.

"It's fine but-"

The closet was slammed open by tsukasa have a Nervous. "Um y/n, anzai broke something again."

"What is with this guy" I whisper.

Before I leave lee grabs my hand and kisses my forehead. "We'll continue this later."

I have to spent most fixing everything Anzai knocked over because he was drunk somehow.

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