Y for You/Hong Li is the Death of Me 16

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Vote and Comment~ I finally updated~ It's day two without tea...but enjoy this chapter and I have terrible cramps...rip

(Not Edited)

Cai XuKun Pov:

I meet Jung Jung at night near a cherry blossom tree. "Why did you call me over here." "Can't we talk over the phone?"

"It's important."

"What's so important that you'll call me over here in the middle of the night." "I should be getting some sleep."

"Kun Kun, I want you to consider my words." "Give my words a chance."

"What is it?"

"Leave (Your Nickname)."

"Why." I crossed my arms.

"Leave her alone." "This is my advice." "An advice from me and my dream."

"I don't care about your fake dreams."

"Believe me for once Kun Kun."

"Why would I?"

"You know I'm not wrong."

I looked up to stare at the stars while I was laying down on the ground. "Jung Jung, you know you're wrong."

"Do you wanna die?" he asked.


"Don't let (Your Nickname) get closer to you."

"I won't let her go." "She's different."

"Hong Li will also get hurt."

"I won't let (Your Nickname) go."

"And I'll always be by your side." "To protect you or to help you." "This is your life." "I have no say in it other than to give you advice, Kun Kun."

"If this is all you wanna say." "I'll go now."

"Bye," he said.

(Y/N) Pov:

"Go back to her," I shouted.

"Why?" Cai XuKun asked. The moment he was off guard, I took something out of his pocket which was hanging out a bit.

"Got it."

"Give that back."

"Let me see first." I looked at the photo to see a boy and a girl. "Is this you?" I looked at him to only see him mad. "Who's the girl?"

"Hong Li."

"I knew it!" "You like her don't you."

"Lies," he said.

"Maybe you're lying." "Who knows." "You're the only one who knows." I glanced over to see Jung Jung on top of the school starring down. The sun was a bit bright and I back down to see a girl running towards Cai XuKun. "Guess what lover boy." "Your "Girlfriend" is here." "Now I'll take my leave." I ran off. I'm just gonna skip class today. I don't feel like I should be there anyways. I sat down on the ground where a tree was giving me some shade from the sun. I casually read a book.

Jung Jung's Pov:

I glanced down on (Your Nickname). Why isn't she going to class? Does she not know that today is a special day? The legend has it. Each year on a certain day on the school ground... People that hasn't have all of their control over their powers. A crazy pack of power seeking shadows appear. I'll just stay up here and watch over (Your Nickname).

Third Pov:

The legend of the power seeking shadows has it in the book of mortals. You may ask. "Why is it in a book of mortals?" Well, the shadows were originally mortals who always believed in gods and goddess. They were love the exist of the tales. They went on journeys to seek for such powerful beings. Stories of them seeing the gods and goddesses in person and talking to them. Everyone knows gods and goddesses never wanted to interact with mortals. They were fascinated by their powers. They were at the point of wanting the powers them self. It was lucky enough that group never existed after due to the fact the death god has taken them, but some of them escaped. They took over their shadows and till now every year they seek for power from the students of the school. They're just power seeking mortals or shall it be shadows.

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