See I'm A Runaway Bride 029

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Hello~ I've finally updated!!! YES!!!!!! Sorry for any grammar errors or anything english related. I just want a update for y'all!! Bye! Enjoy this chapter. Vote and Comment to support~ Helps a lot! Thank You!

(Y/N) Pov:

"Get off of the girl!" Cheng Cheng shouted.

"Scared?" Cai XuKun said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I be?"

"Scared I'll take her?"

"She's mine." "Not yours Cai!"

"I'm just joking around." he laughed it off. He slowly let go of my hair.

"When do you plan to have the wedding?" Hong Li asked.

"I'm taking my 星星 back." "I don't like sharing with others."

"(Your Nickname) is not yours Cheng Cheng."

"She is Jung Jung!!"

"Stop acting like a child!" "Wake up!" "The girl you liked before is gone." "She was dead a hundred years ago!" Jung Jung shouted.

Cheng Cheng walked towards me and grabbed my hand making us both walk away from the others. He dragged me from the room out into the walkways and then out to the beautiful garden. We just stood here for serve minutes. No talking was done just the chirping sounds from birds flying around. I just stared off into the sky waiting for him to break the awkward silence. I waited and waited for him to speak.

"When do you want the wedding?"

"Cheng Cheng..." "I don't even know who you are."

"You'll get to know me after our wedding."

"But-" "But I want to marry someone I love." "This is forced marriage."

"Do I care!!" he shouted.

"I don't want this and neither do you." "Let's just cancel this." "You can find someone that is worth more of your time than me."

"Well, I found you." "And you're what I'm looking for."

"Or perhaps I just look like the girl Jung Jung keeps reminding you about?" "Maybe that's why." "But I'm not her Cheng Cheng." "And I'll never be her." "I won't change for you and I'll never." "I want someone that loves me for who I am not who I was in the past." "It seems like I might just be the reincarnation of her." "I'm not her though." "Sorry to disappoint you, Cheng Cheng."

"Wait-" "I'll let this deal off." "Only if you have someone you love." "On the wedding night in your carriage, I'll send you off to them." "As long as you make it there." "The deal will be off." "Is that fine with you?"

"I'm fine with it."

"You can go off now."

Fan Cheng Cheng Pov:

I watch her leave and then out of my sight. I guess this will be the last time I get to see her familiar face. My 星星 where can you be? For I've waited for a hundred years here alone. You said you will come back to me. Will you? Maybe you went off and have started a new life with a new lover. I'll wait till you come back to me.

Third pov:

Time is ticking. The sun is going down and up each day and the moon rises in between. Four seasons with one season being as hot as fire and one is as cold as ice. Will she have time to finish what she has started. Click, click, click let the time go by and let destiny be the guide for whom that will live and who shall fade away leaving their particles into the air and leaving the world. Immortal or mortal. There shall be an end to everything this world has given them. In return for the given privilege to once walk the ground of earth they shall in return be given to the stars. Shining among all that also walk on the ground of the earth. Or shall one be a fallen star who would never return to the one they love.

(Y/N) Pov:

I need to find a way out of this palace as quickly as possible and with Nong Nong. I can't marry him and I love no one and there's no one for me. I need to get out or I'll be stuck with him for the rest of my life. I'll think about it when I get to have the time to for now I need to do my job.

~Three weeks Later~

I woke up from my slumber, I looked around to see the bright sunlight coming from the door. Do I really have to wake up now...

"Knock, Knock" I heard from the door.

"Who is it?" I shouted. I got myself out of my bed then I walked to the door.

"It's Cheng Cheng," he said. I opened the door to let the bright light shine onto my face.

"What do you want?"

"Do you remember the deal (Your Nickname)?"

"Oh, that deal." "You never told me when the wedding was going to be which date and month of the year..."

"Well, it's today."

"Lies." "I say lies." "I have a job to do today."

"Oh don't worry about that today!" "You're either telling me who's that someone or you're going to be mine!"

"Oh don't worry I'll never end up with you Cheng Cheng."

"Unless you tell me." "if you don't I'll never let you go." "It's going to be a long journey till we hit that place I built."

"You built?"

"I did all that work for this day now just get yourself dress in these clothes," he said as he handed me the wedding clothes that were bright red. "And I'll call the servants to come in and touch up your look." "And don't worry I'll leave your room." "Just finish quickly!" "Are you ever going to take that cloth off of your eyes?"

"I will!!!" "And I'll never take it off."

"See you then." I need to get out of here immediately before I get caught up on an unneeded situation for myself. I'll stick with what I have my white long Chinese robe. Just need to find a way out. I quickly placed the clothes that Cheng Cheng gave me onto the bed. I kneed down to find my 古琴 that was under my bed. I grabbed it and made it disappear into thin air so I could draw it out of nowhere anytime. I guess I'm using magic and I'm no longer staying here so might as well. I went ahead and grabbed my cloak with a hood. I looked at a white cloak. Perfect. I quickly put it on and slowly putting on the hood. I ran to the bathroom so no one will see me. I made a portal straight to the prison cells. I ran down the hall straight to where I last remember where Nong Nong was. I looked at the cell and I see Nong Nong laying in a clean bed.

"Nong Nong," I said in a volume just enough for him to hear. He got himself up and out of the bed.

"(Your Nickname)???!!"

"I'll break you out but I can't drag you along with me too." "I'll send you somewhere." I made a portal that let me walk straight into the cell with him. "I don't have much magic left so I'll send you off." "I need to run for my life." I broke Nong Nong's handcuff and made a portal straight out to our grandma's house. "Find mom and dad, tell them you and I are doing fine."

"But (Your Nickname)." "I can't leave you here." "You're my sister."

"Just leave." "I'll find you somehow." "One day." I pushed him into the portal and I could his smile but it felt so sad. "I'll find you someday my brother."

I had that bit of magic left just enough to make a portal for me to get out of the cells and into the dark creepy monster-filled forest. I'm a runaway bride.  

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