You're a Flirt Too 020

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(Not Edited)

(Y/N) Pov:

I opened the door to see a guy standing there. I couldn't see his face, but the smell was familiar. "Who are you?" He suddenly grabbed my hand and ran out of my room and out into the cold air. "Where are you bringing me?" We stopped in the middle of the rose garden next to my room.

"Come with me." "Bunny,"


"Come with me back to school."


"Why not?"

"You know my reason."

"Bunny, listen to me." "If you go back to school, you'll be fine."

"How do I know if you're not lying?"

"Listen to me." "If you go back to school, you'll just have to past all the tests and challenges." "And live." "Unless you want a war," he said as he placed his hands on my shoulder.

"I don't want a war, but I need Hong Li dead." "I'll snatch her things one by one."

"Just come with me back to school."

"And just pass all the tests and challenges not knowing what might happen to me?" "And Nong Nong."

"Come with me and trust me."

"It's not like it's a rule."

"If you haven't forgotten to read the newspaper." "Maybe you will know."

"I don't need to keep up with this stupid stuff."

"If you don't attend freaking school, everyone will be screwed." "And I would be ruined." "Everyone that is from Freshman to Senior has to attend unless you want your soul to vanish." "We have only today to return and if you don't freaking go you're gonna die." He stopped to catch a breath. "You know what else they have in store for us." "We're like chest pieces right now." "They want more matches."

"What matches?"

"They want more power so they want us to go through trials and stuff that I rather not deal with." "We only have time till 12 pm."

"Let me get Nong Nong."

"Don't worry, I have him sent to school already."

"Let's go now."

"It's 11: 40." "Magic portals are not to be used when getting there."

"But they didn't say no other sort of magic was allowed?" "Did they?"


"Then race you there."

~Time Skip~

I was walking in the woods from home to school. That's when I saw a yellow dome forming from the back of me. What's going on? I saw someone behind the dome and they were screaming in pain. The dome was closing on us... I turned around to see the dome border 3 inches near me and it was getting closer. I need to run. I started to pick up my speed. The faster I ran the faster the dome border was closing on me. I got closer to the school and all I heard was leaves being crushed by people's feet. I kept on going until I hit the school. I looked around and there was a line formed in front of the school. What's going on? I looked around to see if I know anyone of those people. I saw Jung Jung. "Jung Jung!"

Predator and the Prey (Cai XuKun x Reader)✓Where stories live. Discover now