By My Side 036

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And as always enjoy reading, thank you for reading~♥

-3 months later-

(Y/N) Pov:

I woke up to a bright light, where am I again? I looked around to find myself in a familiar surrounding. I got myself up from the grassy ground. I felt weight on my hair, did my hair grow longer? I looked at my (Your Hair Color) hair, wasn't it supposed to be white after using the weapon. "Xiao Tang, do you think you can come out in your human form?" I asked.

"Let see if I can," she said before she appeared right in front of me.

"How long do you think you can maintain this form?" I asked.

"Quite a long time now! Seems like I might be free at some point! But don't worry, I won't leave," she laughed. "Oh my god look down! Something is roaming around you!" she said before she screamed.

I looked down to see a husky, "What's wrong with a husky?" I asked.

"Reminds me of that jerk and I don't know if I'll be safe near that thing," she said as she hid behind a tree.

I crouched down to pet the husky, "You're so cute," I smiled. "You look like him a lot...Umm...Xiao Tan, want to get something to eat?" I asked.

"Sure! But can you get that dog away from you?" she asked.

"Umm...I doubt I can. Look at him, he's basically following me as I walk!" I said as I walked towards Xiao Tang. "You'll be fine as long as you're in your human form."

"Fine! This is only because I'm hungry and I don't want to starve after being able to transform into my human form. You know it's so cramped having my soul trapped with another!"

"Care for some carrot soup today?" I asked as I used magic to make carrots appear in my hand.

"Why not?"

-Time Skip-

"How does the carrot soup taste?" I asked before I started sipping the warm liquid.

"Do you even call this a meal? It's good and all, but I could feast on thousands of carrot recipes in one go after being trapped for centuries!"

"At least we're safe for now, Xiao Tang. Away from Hong Li and her crazy boy problems. At last I'm free!"

"The only thing I worry now is you, (Your Nickname). You need to heal and practice using magic or you'll end up coughing up blood again. I'll personally train you too!"

"I don't even know if we're truly safe here. Didn't she break in once?"

"I sense the barrier to this portal has strengthened so it's possible she won't be able to get in anytime from now," she said as she snacked on a carrot. "Oh no my gosh! The husky is back!" she screamed as she dropped her half eaten carrot. "(Your Nickname) tell him or her to sit in place because I waste more carrots!"

"Scaredy cat...Can you please sit down?" I asked the husky. The husky sat down peacefully and looked at me. "Anyways, when does training start?"

"Um...Anytime you want!"

"I have a weird question Xiao Tang."

"What is it?" she asked.

"What if you stay in your human form forever? Would you ever consider Xiao Hui?" I asked with a serious tone.

"That jerk never!"

"Honestly I feel like you care."

"If I was stuck here like this forever and that jerk isn't him separately, there wouldn't be a point of me being with him anyways," she said as she crossed her arms. "I also kinda forgot what he looks like. It would be nice to see him," she laughed. "Probably as short as ever!"

"Maybe he's taller than you after all your body couldn't mature after what happened to you."

"Anyways...My turn to ask a question. What if all of this didn't happen to you? What if you were just stuck in that school? It would be funny to see what would happen next."

"I wonder too," I said before I turned around to check on the husky. Instead of seeing a husky laying there I see someone laying there. "What the-"

"Oh my lord, what is a human doing in the spot where the dog was at?!" Xiao Tang said in shock. I watched the boy lift his eyes open, "Oh no, the day I didn't ask for came for me today?!!"

"Who is he, Xiao Tang?" I asked as I watched the boy stand up. Black hair and dark grey eyes, wearing a black robe that didn't fit him. His skin was quite pale and his hair was messy.

"It's the idiot we were talking about! When did he become this short," Xiao Tang laughed. Xiao Hui walked over to Xiao Tang with a blink of an eye, I saw him grow twice the height of his original height.

"You're an idiot," he chuckled as he hovered above Xiao Tang.

"You two are both idiots! Where's Cai XuKun?" I asked

"That idiot let me free on my own. I really don't know where he went," Xiao Hui said as he backed away from Xiao Tang. "He really did leave his wife behind again. He might have gone back to Hong Li, getting his revenge."

"Don't even mention Hong Li," I said.

"It bothers you?" he said.

"Just thinking about her makes me think I'm the crazy one who stole someone. Guilt tripping much from that lady."

"Don't worry too much, he'll return to you after all since you're his wife," he laughed.

"Wife who? There is no such thing!"

"The death god himself said it was a match made in heaven though," he smirked. "Now if you'll please leave I want to catch up with the princess near me."

"Have fun Xiao Tang!" I said before I left them alone and sat down under a tree. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me again.

Third Pov:

While (Your Nickname) laid under on the grassy ground, a husky that looked like Xiao Hui laid himself down next to (Your Nickname). Just before the magic fades, a young man appears next to (Your Nickname) wearing a black robe and his white hair slowly turns back to its original color, black.

"It's always nice to have you by my side, (Your Nickname)," KunKun said before he closed his eyes. 

Predator and the Prey (Cai XuKun x Reader)✓Where stories live. Discover now