My Husband? 039

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Edited: Not

Votes are appreciated as always

And as always enjoy reading, thank you for reading~♥

Second last chapter ,I'll see you in the last chapter or any future ff, I'll post updates if there's going to be any new ff of CXK. For now I'll focus on completing the current ff I have ongoing . Make sure to check out Keep Running to see 小蔡(CXK)! Every Friday!😊 

Third Pov:

The sun was shining and tourists were checking out a newly found piece of art. The place was built next to a huge cherry blossom tree that was surrounded by beautiful sunflowers. Everything there seemed to be newly built and has been since the first time someone discovered it. Everyone wonders if this place was made of everlasting magic since it was so pretty.

Cai XuKun Pov:

"Oh wow...Look at all these people here," Xiao Hui said. I just glared at everyone walking around the place.

"It's quite annoying that people found this place. I liked it when it was peaceful and quiet," I mumbled. I looked around my surroundings to see what a masterpiece I've made of this place.

"You want to head into the cities with me for a bit?" Xiao Hui asked.

"Why not, after all these foolish idiots made this place quite noisy," I said.

"Let's go!" Xiao Hui shouted before within a few seconds we disappeared and we were in the city's streets.

(Y/N) Pov:

I woke up to the bright light coming from my window and a scream in the outside of the room. "(Your Nickname), wake up!"

"What is it?" I screamed. I opened my eyes and saw my older brother barging in.

"Your friend is waiting for you. Didn't you talk about all the stuff you were going to do today to me yesterday night therein dinner? You're not going to be able to do all of that if you don't get up!" he said.

"Jeez, NongNong! I'll get up now! Tell Xiao Tang to wait for like 10 minutes, I'll get ready quickly!" I said before he slammed the door and left.

-10 minutes later-

"Let's go now!" I said, grabbing Xiao Tang's hand.

"Are you coming back for dinner?" NongNong shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes!" I shouted before me and Xiao Tang was out of the apartment. We took the elevator down and ran out of the apartment complex. "Don't you smell the sense of freedom after finishing college?" I asked Xiao Tang.

"Yes! But we're barely stepping into a world of business and jobs yet. So much more stuff to do before we feel a sense of greatness. Sadly there are no more summer breaks," Xiao Tang said with a frown.

"Well, I'm glad I'm out of my parents' carrot farm at least!" I said.

"Didn't you want to go to that fansign for that one new actor you like?" she asked me.

"Oh, yea. Too bad the tickets were all sold out," I responded.

"Don't worry I bought two of them!" she said as she showed me what was on her phone.

"You're the best!" I screamed and hugged her tightly.

-2 hours later-

"It's going to be our turn to meet him," I smiled.

Predator and the Prey (Cai XuKun x Reader)✓Where stories live. Discover now