The Darkness in the Innocent

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With the cries of battle echoing outside her protective bubble,Shizuka shed tears for those who had placed their very lives for her. Those brave perhaps foolish soul yet even so they deserved immense gratitude. Blinking away the oncoming tears which threatened to reveal themselves to all. Shizuka closed her eyes and began to mutter a prayer to none other than her own mother. Queen of Celestials to please grants these soul eternal peace for they deserved that and so much more. Hoping her mother infact heard her prayers,Shizuka found another wave of pain which seemed to center at her swollen abdomen. Gritting her teeth and throwing her head back in pain Shizuka struggled to muffle back her sobs. As wave after wave of pain radiated through her. From her fingers down to her toes themselves. Trembling in pain Shizuka held herself hoping that coddling herself ans the infant would cease her pain. But she was so wrong.

For the pain suddenly shot through Shizuka's body with such wrathfilled force it caused the strong willed woman to utter out a small sob. Never had she felt such pain, pain that would soon bring fourth peace. But at the moment peace was far from Shizuka's mind as the priestess Ayane worked viciously on a remedy of herbs bidding Shizuka to allow the herbs to do their job. But Shizuka couldn't even answer the young Ayane as Shizuka's very stomach felt as if it were about to burst. Gripping onto a pillow so hard it nearly shredded under her touch,Ayane carefully pried Shizuka's legs apart. Her eyes wide as she could already see the child crowning. Nearly entering their world. It was then that Ayane beckoned Shizuka to push. Push with all her might, but she knew this was a lot to ask for.

After all the once powerful Celestial Maiden was now no more. Thanks to the eclipse Shizuka had lost nearly all her divine power. Yes this was indeed temporary until the night was over but that was still a large window. A window far too large to allow anything to go wrong. This was the weakest Shizuka had ever felt. She felt like a... A mortal woman. With the fears of her child not surviving the birthing now echoicing through her frantic mind. Shizuka's gaze darting back and fourth in search of Sesshomaru. Wishing he was there by her side, knowing that just his mere presence would be enough to put her mind at ease. But Shizuka knew this was impossible. Sesshomaru was needed elsewhere on the field of battle to protect her. And yet....these selfish thoughts..desires to be near him flooded her mind till tears began to fall.

Blinking back fresh tears,Shizuka pushed with all her might. Till her very body trembled due to the intensity. But it was all worth it. Worth it hear the soft wail of a new life being brought into the world. Catching her breathe Shizuka slumped against the many pilloes that supported her. Beads of swearing on her brow as the priestess Ayane began to care for the infant. Drying it of the goo that had come with the birthing. And even cut the umbilical cord for Shizuka before smiling warmly towards the raven haired babe in her arms. "Congratulations My Lady, its a boy. A strong boy like his father."Ayane complimented before placing the swaddled infant in Shizuka's arms. Her body quite weak yet even so she was able to hold her son. Their son. In such a loving embrace smiling down at the raven haired boy. He was so tiny his hands making tiny fits as the sweet boy grabbed hold of his mother's right hand. Gripping tight with such a grip it caused Shizuka to beckon he release her. And to her surprise the boy obliged, never uttering anything other than a quiet coo once in awhile as Shizuka gently began to rock him in her arms.

Ayane smiled towards the two asking if Shizuka would like to name the boy. Quietly Shizuka peered down towards her quiet little prince,kissing the top of his head. "I will give Lord Sesshomaru the act of giving our son a name. After all he is our son. Not just mine."Shizuka informed as Ayane nodded as she turned on her heels to grab a container fit for a bottle for the newborn. But her actions were interrupted by the sudden presence of a demonic aura. So powerful infact it startled Ayane to how this aura had remained hidden for so long. And why, oh why was it so near? Swallowing a large lump in her throat as Ayane slowlt turned towards the quiet Rin. Who's body gave off the vast amount of demonic aura she had been sensing. But how? How did a young child come to have such power? With the aura oozing from Rin's very pores Ayane turned to Shizuka whom was absorbed in her child to notice. "My lady!" Ayane cried out her shrill voice catching Shizuka's attention as the young priestess made a dash for Shizuka and her child.

Standing before them in just the knick of time as thr vast miasma rapidly spillrd into the room. Seeking to wrap its putrid poison into Shizuka and the little prince. But to no avail as Ayane had created a barrier strong enough the keep the poison at bay for a time. "W-what's going on? Where is Rin?! You have to go get her-!" "Please My Lady, that child has been possessed by yokai. I cannot allow you or the child to be injured!"Ayane protested as Shizuka shook her head stating that it did not matter. "Rin is my daughter! You must save her!" Their argument intensifying before the miasma slowly began to dissipate a bit revealing Rin. Slumped over slightly as her once almond hued eyes were now a cloudy shade of crimson. Gripping onto her head Rin released a loud cry into the air. Tears spewing down her tiny cheeks. All the while Shizuka too was in tears gripping onto her son snd witnessing Rin's pain.

The weight of what had happened to Rin. Her sweet little Rin, filled with such joy and love of life. How could Shizuka had been so blind? So stupid not to have realized Rin's pain before. No how could she call herself a mother? A Goddess who was so out of touch with one of the few people who truly meant something to her. Blinking away more tears Shizuka struggled to stand, her legs weak like a newborn deer. Forcing Shizuka to slump against Sesshomaru's bed, with their sleeping son in her arms. "Rin, its okay. Okasan is here, and your little brother too." Shizuka began hoping to somehow bring Rin out of the yokai filled haze. But the answer Shizuka received instead was a sudden cry from Ayane. It was then that Shizuka realized that Rin now stood mere inches from the two women. Smiling widely towards the two of them before lodging a blade into Ayane's abdomen.

Crimson began to pour from the wound, as the bloody priestess struggled to maintain her barrier. But the bloodlost was getting to her, with trembling hands Ayane coughed up blood all the while trying her best to keep a brave face. "My lady...I will hold her and the prince....leave this place...there is only death-!" Ayane began as Rin swiftly ran the blade across Ayane's throat causing massive amount of blood to spurt from the wound. Shizuka held back a cry as the brave Ayane crumbled to the ground in a puddle of crimson at Rin's feet. Rin slowly peered up towards Shizuka, her smile something truly sinister as Rin stepped forward with the bloody blade still in hand. "Its your turn Okasan." With those words leaving her lips Shizuka turned to run. Her feet desperately trying to keep up as Shizuka pushed the padio doors open. As the remainder of Ayane's barrier finally gave way. Allowing Shizuka to see the true terror around her.

Shizuka gripped onto her sleeping child before preparing to jump only to be horribly impaled by a flurry of tentacles which protruded through Shizuka's chest. Barely missing the child. Slowly Shizuka peered down at rhe multiple gaping wounds watching as an amber liquid seeped from the wounds. Her very deity blood leaving her system. Gripping onto her son Shizuka was yanked back into the room and thrown against a far off wall. Causing her to flinch in pain yet she never released the infant. She withstood the pain for him and herself as well. Weakly Shizuka stared towards Rin whom seemed to so faraway as the horrible deeds were done before her. Yet even so Shizuka cried. She cried for Rin. She cried for her to open her eyes. And most of all she cried for hope, hope that maybe. Just maybe Sesshomaru would make it back in time.

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