Strings of Father & Son

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Unable to sleep due to his unpleasant nightmare, Souma rose from his bed. His form dripped in sweat as the images of his beloved mother. Kind hearted Shizuka, one whom the young boy had barely begun to know. Burst into flames, her cries of anguish ripping throughout the villa. And there Souma stood. Horrified. Witnessing Shizuka, her body burning to a crisp within the toxic hued flames devouring her. Though even in those flames Shizuka shed tears. Tears of pain Souma was sure, but that wasn't all. Gritting his teeth Souma made his way to his balcony. His amber gaze cast upward to the night sky. Where brilliant stars twinkled high above him. Stars that were infact created by the very the Celestial Beings themselves. Creatures that made half of the young Lord, but even so they were not invulnerable. This Souma knew to be true.

With his right hand pressed against his right temple, Souma simply could not shake the images of this night. Biting his bottom lip, the young prince recalled the last time he ignored his "gift". One of many that Souma had yet to discover. And ignoring it had almost cost him his only sister. He had to speak to his father, Souma knowing how deeply his father loved his mother. Though Sesshomaru at most times was of a cold demeanor, never once showing any sign of weakness. Sesshomaru was ruthless, as one had to be when expanding his empire. But whenever the prying eyes of the public were away from him. Souma saw it. The certain glimmer in Sesshomaru's eye upon his beloved mate. For it was not only love that Sesshomaru held for Shizuka. It was also an immeasurable respect, one that Shizuka had earned over their time together. Souma witnessed the raw power emerge from both his parents at the others side. Such ferocity and judgement rippled off the couple. Sweeping across the lands.

Souma missed the sight,as it had almost become that of a distant memory as of late. With his mother; Shizuka's strange illness only worsening. Even with grandmother; Shouko aiding in the medicines and treatment. Still Shizuka's health waned and it struck a cord within the young Prince. He need deep down that whatever plagued his mother was unnatural; and needed to be dealt with. With his shoulders slumped, Souma jumped from his balcony. The brisk wind hollowing in his ear as the young man landed gracefully on the grass below. His crimson kimono gleaming in the moonlight as Souma strode through the lush gardens his mother loved so. He recalled her and his father. Souma had never seen his father so serene than with Shizuka. Eagerly Shizuka tugged Sesshomaru through the lush greenery. Her giggles sounding around them, and Sesshomaru smiled. A small one but it was there. Shining and warm. Almost as if the sun radiated from the couple. Such love, such overwhelming devotion to another. This was what true love was. Souma knew it well, after all his parents love had given birth to him and Hisuri.

Two sides of the same coin. One meant to rule the heavens and bless those below. While the other would rule the "Realm of Men". Conquering the world at their very feet. Without Shizuka and Sesshomaru's love; they and the future of the Realms would hang in the balance. With thoughts weighing heavy on his mind, Souma was taken aback to find his father. Sesshomaru himself sitting on a nearby stone bench. The Daiyokai's amber eyes upon the moon overhead. Though the sudden shift in aura in the area made Souma's presence known to him. "Father—" Souma began drawing Sesshomaru's attention. His amber orbs heavy upon Souma. "I see you were burdened this night as well." Sesshomaru commented, his words surprising Souma. Contemplating just how his father knew of his troubles. And just exactly what all did he know.

"Perhaps you are the most burdened of us all." Souma stated, taking a seat next to his father. Sesshomaru turned his eyes to the sky once more. "Yes, perhaps that is true." Sesshomaru whispered into the still air, anguish evident in the yokai's eyes. He was swimming in his own misery. Struggling to keep his head above the surface, all the while to stretching. Reaching out for Shizuka, refusing to leave her. Not again. With his hands holding his head Sesshomaru released a deep sigh, seeming to be needed as his shoulders relaxed. "But you, you feel the pain as if it were your own. Do you not, son?" Sesshomaru asked, clarifying what Souma had suspected. His father had become well aware of his gift, and now he believed was the time to get answers. Now was the time not to hold his tongue. This time Souma would act, he would not allow his family to burn.

"Father—I had a vision...of mother....aflame. She wouldn't let you touch her. She just burned and from the ashes Hisuri and I emerged." Souma began now having all of Sesshomaru's attention. It was as he had expected his son had the sight. Or perhaps a better name for his gift would be Precognition. "Has this happened to you before?" Sesshomaru questioned, Souma soon averting his gaze to the ground. Hanging his head low in shame. "With Hisuri....I didn't know what it was... I—" "Your acting now, do not dwell on the past." Sesshomaru began as she rose to his feet. A look of determination making itself known to Souma. "As much as I hate to admit it, I need my brother's help in this." Sesshomaru grumbled as Souma peered towards his father wide eyed. Knowing how distrusting Sesshomaru was of others. Especially his hanyou of a little brother. "Inuyasha Ojisan? Your sure of this father?" "Yes. We owe him a debt to be paid so first we must qwell that debt." "You mean?" Souma began as Sesshomaru nodded towards his son and General. "Correct. I have sent Hisuri as good faith. She knows her mission well. I only hope that we have enough time." Sesshomaru stated as the sudden painful wails of Shizuka echoed throughout the villa. Shaking the very ground beneath their very feet. Her cries of anguish causing great discomfort to Sesshomaru. Who immediately took his leave, rushing to his mate's side.

While Souma himself peered up to the gleaming moon above. Whispering a prayer into the night air. Hoping with all his might that his family would not be ripped from him.

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