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Hisuri turned to her brother Souma, her elder brother's grip trembling on his blade. Yet he continued to hold it,and clutched the right side of his face. Souma thrashed violently, upon the mere sight of his sister. The look on her face, it torn the young man from the inside out. Sweat began to form on his brow as Souma gritted his teeth. His voice a mixture of his former self and the animal he had become. But it was still him,her kind hearted brother. Hisuri knew this,and she knew that as long as they were together they overcome anything. And she also knew that his uncontrollable transformation was her fault. Hisuri had felt the overwhelming concern of her brother sweep over her since her departure.

Souma was filled with sorrow at the absence of his sister. Though the young Lord did his best to hide his emotion for his sister. At times it could not be helped. The two siblings were linked, one of the same. Hisuri began to walk to her brother, whom began to flail around with the blade in his hand. Though Hisuri did not falter, without hesitating she embraced her brother. Her arms wrapping warmly around his torso as Souma screamed. Tears of anguish streaming down his cheeks. But still Hisuri would not let go, she held onto her brother tightly. Crying out Souma's name into the air. His sister's voice touching something within the young man.

As he had ceased his flailing and became eerily silent. The ominous demonic aura that swirled around Souma ceased for a moment. For Souma was overcome with the warmth of love and kinship only shared between siblings. Hisuri was always there for him, even in the womb. Souma felt his sister there, their fingers interlocked even within their mother. The two twins eternally connected and bound by something more than fate. Blood. Souma visibly trembled as images of a smiling Hisuri formed in his mind. His beloved sister and her warm smile as she reached out towards her brother. The image soon became that of a toddler Hisuri, the little girl calling out for her elder brother. She appeared to be lost outside the Villa, as a terrified expression was evident upon the little Princess's face.

Little Hisuri peered around her surroundings frantically, before beginning to sniffle. Once again calling out for her elder brother. Asking him to come out, that she did not wish to be alone. "Souma please!" Little Hisuri cried out before turning to meet the demonic gaze of her older brother. The tall Souma peering down to his little sister who trembled before him. But still she did not back down, through her tears she grabbed hold of her brother's hand. Tugging him forward to look her in the eye. "I won't leave you Souma, so don't you leave me!" Her words alone forcing Souma to his knees in a fit of tears. As the elder brother embraced his sister. His tears never ceased as the demonic hold upon him faded. Leaving the sobbing and remorseful Souma in the arms of Hisuri. Hisuri released a sigh of relief, her eyes too receding their demonic glow. She held back her tears as Hisuri held onto Souma. Swearing that she would never leave his side again.

Souma hesitantly looked to Hisuri who's emerald orbs gleamed with tears. Her heart which was once heavy with sorrow was now filled such relief. Souma felt it, he then slowly rose to his feet. With Hisuri by his side, the two siblings holding hands and smiling warmly at one another. Though their moment was interrupted when The Dragoness, Narize ran towards the two siblings. Flinging her arms around the two and sobbing two siblings. Overcome with such emotion, Hisuri laughed nervously while patting Narize on the head. Assuring her that she and Souma were both well. It was then that Souma momentarily left his sister's side, lowering his head towards Sesshomaru. The young man trembling as he deeply apologized for his weakness. Knowing he had surely failed in his father's eye. But Sesshomaru merely placed his right hand atop Souma's head. The small gesture bringing tears of gratitude to the young Lord's eyes. "You are safe, that is all that matters to me." Sesshomaru reassured, his words making Hisuri smile as she eagerly skipped to her father's side. Asking her about Shizuka's condition. "You have a little sister; Shion. Though I fear this is not over." Sesshomaru informed as Hisuri bit her bottom lip before she spoke. Explaining that she had destroyed a puppet that smelled of graveyard soil and looked like Shinimi. She continued about Yoru, the son of Shinimi and his plan to resurrect her. Upon those words leaving her mouth Sesshomaru became wide eyed.

If Hisuri had destroyed the vessel meant to hold Shinimi's soul; then that meant Naraku would center his attention on one thing. Shion. Picking up on the anxiety filled scent their father gave off; the twins immediately took off in the distance. Dashing through the forests of the Western Lands and Sesshomaru close behind. The 3 being forced to take down a plethora of yokai as they progressed further to their home. Hisuri gritted her teeth, as the familiar putrid stench of Naraku made itself known to her. He was a too close and out of sight, which only made Hisuri even more nervous. Though the 3 Dog Demons ceased their running as a horde of demons awaited them just outside the Villa gates. Seeming to be nearly endless and Kanna was infront of them. Her mirror gleaming in the moonlight.

Sesshomaru released a low growl, his claws cracking in preparation. He would save his Mate and his pup. But he would not be alone. As Hisuri and Souma stood side by side. Their unique mixture of demonic and divine aura rippling around the two in a storm of silver and crimson. Eyes swimming with power as Souma was the first to draw his katana, aiming towards the left of the horde. Hisuri did the same, aiming at the center while Sesshomaru at the right. Confidence filling the 3 while Narize sensing something was amiss flew back in search for help. Praying that she would make it back with aid before it was too late.

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