Chapter 19

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I stared at him a bit shocked by his words.

"I watch you kill hi-"

Sean shook his head, "His human form. He was destined for something much greater as to the rest of them. You brother was transformed after death," he spoke.

"I don't understand," I confusingly replied. He let out a chuckle, "Of course you are."

I eyed him expecting some sort of gotcha-bitch type thing but he was actually serious. "Did you really think I'm that evil to kill your brothers like that? I mean don't get me wrong, you honestly tempt me to but I will never do that," he informed me.

I shook my head, "So where is my brother?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Don't know. When did you last see him?"

"Just a casket," I trailed off trying to fit back my tears. "Right, well I'm guessing you went to the viewing. Maybe after he's buried you should see him again," he mumbled. Now a bit angered, I stood up and grabbed him by his collar before yanking him up, before slamming him to the wall.

"Is this some sort of sick joke? How is my brother suppose to come back from the dead?' I hissed.

He didn't smirk or gave any sort of reaction. "I don't know. How did you come back from the dead?" he questioned.

With anger, I dropped him causing him to slide back down to the floor. "I don't believe anything you say nor will I ever," I hissed before flashing into my bedroom. I looked to see James was standing in my room.

"Where did you go?" his eyebrow rose. I shrugged, "Just to get some fresh air. What's up?" I lied as I walked into my closet and started to change into home clothes.

"Well," he trailed off, "Lucifer is downstairs looking for you so I order to come get you," he informed. My head popped out from the side of my closet to look at him. "I don't feel like talking to him at the moment," I spoke.

He gave me a curious look as I emerged out of the closet. "Ever since you came back from that war thing, you've been acting a bit different and ...secretive. What are you hiding?" he asked.

I stared at him before bursting out into laughter. "Good one. I'm not hiding anything. Just need space," I half lied. He studied me for a second before humming in response. "Well, I think you should go downstairs and talk to him," James spoke in a stern tone.

Letting out a sigh, I nodded my head as I walking out my room. I headed down the stairs to see Lucifer standing around in the lobby. As he saw me, his face light up into a smile. "Hey," he softly spoke as I walked up to him. He planted a kiss on my head as he hugged me. I hugged him back before we pulled away.

"How are you?" he asked in a worried tone as he held my hand. "Good," I lied with a smile.

His eyebrow rose, "After all these years, your really think you can lie about your feelings to me? I can feel you're hurting inside," he stroked my cheek.

I gave him a reassuring smile, "I am but I'll be fine. What's up?" I asked changing the subject.

"You've been avoiding me and I know you need your time and space but I'm always here for you whenever you want," he informed me. I nodded my head, "I know and thank you for that."

"Right, well did you eat anything yet?" he asked. I shook my head. "Ah, well go put on some shoes and we'll go out for lunch," he smiled.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry," I replied.

"I love you but I wasn't asking and James told me you haven't eaten yesterday when they went out for dinner. You need to eat," he spoke in a firm tone with his eyes fixed on me.

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