Your First Kiss

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Jon made you unsure of how he felt about you, since he wasn't a touchy-feely type person, and you were. You two had been talking for a few months, and been on a few dates when he had time between shows, but he never made the ultimate move— the first kiss.

You didn't know how to confront him, since you didn't talk to anyone that he knew. You figured you were still a secret to his friends and family.

You'd flown to the next state over to surprise him, and had found a way back stage— your texts between yourself and Jon being enough evidence for the security. You waited by his dressing room until he finally turned the corner, his eyes widening at the sight of you.

"What are you doing here, crazy?" he asked before pulling you into a hug.

"I wanted to come see you," you told him before he allowed you into his dressing room.

"Good. I missed you," he smirked before your smile faded and you remembered why you came here. "What's wrong, Y/N?"

"I've just been thinking about things," you said, finding it hard to look up at him.

"What things?"

"I just am having a hard time knowing what we are," you told him, biting the inside of your lip. "I know that I like you, and I think you like me. I just don't know,"

"I like you, Y/N, but..." he started before sighing looking down to the ground.

"But, what?" you asked, looking up at him.

"I don't know. Actions speak louder than words," he said before quickly moving to cup your cheek, allowing him to press his soft lips to yours, making your heart flutter.

"Jonathan," you whispered after he pulled away, resting his forehead on yours.

"I really like you," he hummed, making you smile. "I look forward to a future with you."

"D'awe," you smiled cheekily before he kissed you again, sending you off into a dreamy bliss.

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