When He Meets Your Family

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Jonathan was really passionate about meeting your family. He was really nervous and wanted to impress them, which he thought would be by dressing formally for your family BBQ.

You hadn't told your family about Jonathan, except for that you had been seeing someone. Your family was respectful of your privacy and kept to themselves when a personal relationship was involved.

"I can't touch you," Jonathan said sternly, letting go of your hand as you approached your parents' door step. "I won't touch you,"

"Jonathan, you can hold my hand. It's not like I'm not an adult," you told him, sliding your hand back into his larger one.

"I won't kiss you," he told you, pursing his lips. You rolled your eyes and tip toed to his level, pressing a kiss to his still tightened lips.

"Do I have to do everything around here?" You asked before he lightened up, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before you knocked on your parents' door.

"I'm nervous," he finally said, even though you obviously had figured that out.

"They'll love you," you smiled before the door was pulled open by your mother, who melted at the sight of you and a man.

"Who is this?" she asked excitedly, clasping her hands together.

"I'll do a proper I introduction when we get inside," you told her before she pulled you into a brief hug, your hand not leaving Jonathan's.

"Come in, come in!" your mom cooed, allowing you to enter the family room. Everyone greeted us happily and all eyes were stuck on Jonathan, who smiled nervously.

"Holy shit," your nephew, who was the main reason you met the love of your life, exclaimed, making Jonathan chuckle.

"What's up, Y/N/N," Jonathan said, reaching to bump fists with him.

"Um, well, since you're all staring. This is my boyfriend Jonathan," you told your family as Jonathan squeezed your hand softly. You introduced each and every member of your family, and they all loved your boyfriend immediately.

"So, uh, Jon. What do you do for a living?" your dad asked, crossing his arms. You moved to wrap your arm around Jonathan's torso, making his hand land on your waist.

"I perform for WWE," Jonathan stated simply.

"He's the number one contender for the WWE Championship," your nephew added, making Jonathan laugh.

"A wrestler? I knew you looked familiar," your dad hummed, stoking his chin. "Dean Ambrose, huh?"

"Yes, sir," Jonathan smiled.

"Welcome to the family, son," your dad said with glee, reaching to firmly shake Jonathan's hand.

"Thank you, sir," Jonathan said more than happily before you hugged him.

"I told you," you whispered before your dad turned away. You quickly kissed his cheek before joining your family for the planned BBQ.

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