Pregnancy Series Pt. 2 || You tell him

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Dean Ambrose

Dean would be home anytime from his long trip with work, and you were terrified. Part of you wanted him to stay on your, since you could keep it a secret longer that way.

You know Dean would try and quit his job to get something close to home when you told him. There was no doubt that he would be ecstatic, except for the fact that you weren't married and didn't have plans for kids for a while.

You sat on the couch with a pregnancy test that you took after you went to the doctors held tightly in your hand. You jumped as headlights shone through your window, and a knot in your stomach formed as you awaited the arrival of your boyfriend.

"I'm so glad you're—"

You stopped as not only Dean walked in, but Colby and Joe, too. You shoved the test into your pants pocket before Dean wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him.

"I missed you, baby," he hummed, pressing a kiss to your neck.

"I-I missed you, too," You said, pulling back to peck his lips. "What are Joe and Colby doing here?"

"They wanted to come visit. Is that okay?" he questioned, pulling away from your hug.

"Of course. I missed them, too," you lied, flashing a fake smile as they waved at you.

"We're going to go have some beers. You can come if you want," he said before pecking your lips again and walking towards the door.

"Dean, I-I can't. I—"

"Love you, baby. See you in a few," Dean said almost harshly before ushering his friends out of the house.

You couldn't help but cry. Your boyfriend comes home after almost two months of being on the road and he comes into the house long enough to hug and kiss you and then leaves again with two of the guys he travels with to go have drinks? You knew it was mostly your pregnancy hormones getting to you, since you didn't really mind when he left like this. This time it hurt, though.

"We need to talk, Y/N." Dean said sternly, walking back into the house and leaving the front door wide open.

"G-Go have drinks with them, Dean, it's fine. We can talk after," You said sternly, hiding your tears from him.

"Were you going to tell me? Or keep it a secret from me forever?" he asked loudly, making your gaze divert to him.


"Don't play stupid with me, Y/N. Don't you fucking dare," he spat, making you jump with shock at the way he spoke to you.

"D-Dean, I—"

"You weren't going to tell me that you're pregnant, were you?" he shouted, slamming the pregnancy test on the kitchen counter. You reached around to your back pocket and found that it was gone.

"I-I was going to tell you—"


"Would you shut up for a second?!" You growled, grabbing the pregnancy test from the counter. "I-I was going to tell you when you got home, but Colby and Joe were here. You didn't even give me a chance to tell you before you said you were leaving, Dean. I would never keep this from you, but I wasn't going to tell you over the phone, either,"

"So, you're really pregnant?" he asked softly, taking another step towards you.

"That's what they told me when I went to the doctor," you reciprocated the softness in his voice.

"Did you do an ultrasound?" he asked, reaching for your hand.

"No. I wouldn't do one without you," you said almost matter-of-factly.

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