Pregnancy Series Pt. 5 || Gender Reveal

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Month 5

Dean Ambrose

You had your gender ultrasound, and surprisingly, Dean showed up. Since you moved out of Dean's house in Las Vegas and moved in with Joe and Galina, he'd been extra distant. You begged him to understand, but he insisted that he didn't do anything wrong, that he was being a loving boyfriend to you from the beginning of your pregnancy.

Regardless, you were pregnant with his baby. You two had invited Galina along to the appointment, and she would know the gender of your baby. She and Sarah had planned a big party with many coworkers, and they said there was some big surprise for the gender reveal.

"Y/N, why do you hate me?" Dean asked after he pulled you away from the crowd.

"I don't hate you, Dean," You sighed, feeling the same feeling of sadness fall over you that you felt since day 1. "I actually, in fact, love you, but that's the one thing you haven't even said to me in five months,"

"You know that I love you, Y/N, why do I have to say it?" he sighed, grabbing your hands.

"You don't want this, and I know it. You pretended for two weeks to be happy about this, but then you changed. You wouldn't kiss me, you wouldn't hug me, you wouldn't even touch me," you vented, feeling thousands of pounds of pressure fall from your shoulders. "You got my hopes up when you told me you were excited. I know you aren't happy and I'm not going to force it on you. That's why I moved here, I—"

"Y/N, maybe it is better that you live here. You haven't even thought to even ask if I've been okay. You're too worried about yourself," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You literally don't even know anything about me. You know how I feel about kids. You know that I'm scared to be a father, so why are you pushing this?!"

"Pushing this? I haven't pushed this on you one bit, Dean. If you don't want to be a part of this baby's life, then fucking leave," You spat, crossing your arms. "I'll be sure to let him know that his father couldn't stand the thought of having a family, so he left."

"You will not fucking say that," he growled, grabbing your arm. "And secondly, it's going to be a girl. Quit calling it a him."

"I don't even understand you—"

"Y/N, Dean, it's time!" Sarah said, growing giggly as she waved you over to the parking lot of Joe and Galina's house.

"Alright everyone, we're going to have a colored powder in the exhaust pipes here of Dean's car," Galina said, rubbing the trunk of Dean's black '69 Impala. "Colby is going to rev the engine, and either a pink or blue powder will come out. Are we ready?!"

"Are mom and dad ready?!" Sarah gushed, standing next to Colby, who sat in the car with the door open.

"Ready," I said simply, not bothering to look at Dean for confirmation.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

Colby reved the engine and I couldn't even believe my eyes. Pink powder flew out of the exhaust on the left, and blue flew out in the right. The crowd cooed as I jumped in an instinctive excitement, covering my mouth quickly before everyone cheered for us.

"It's twins!" Galina shouted, making tears fill my eyes.

Not only would I be a single mother with an absent father, I'd be a single mother to twins with an absent father. As if it couldn't get worse.

"It's twins, babe!" Dean cheered, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, basically sobbing against him as I didn't dare to let him go, because I knew that once I did, he'd be gone.

Jon Moxley

"We aren't going to find out the gender, and that's final!" You said sternly as Jon peered over at you in frustration. "I want it to be a surprise!"

"Why, babe? I really just want to know! I mean, I know we're having a girl, but—"

"Please, Jon, I really don't want to know," you begged, grabbing ahold of his free hand.

"Fine, Y/N," he sighed in defeat as you pulled up to the hospital for your appointment.

You sat together hand in hand after the ultrasound was finished. You'd expressed to your doctor that you were choosing to wait until birth to find out the gender, and Jon was throwing a huge fit about it. He wouldn't talk to you, but he was really just testing his limits. It was all a joke to him.

"Thank you, Jon," you smiled, leaning over to peck his forehead. "I appreciate you."

"Mhm," he hummed, kissing you briefly. You pulled away as the door opened, and a new, older doctor walked in, crossing his arms.

"How are we?" he asked, sitting down on the stool.

"Great," you smiled, squeezing Jon's hand.

"I'm sure, since finding out that you and your baby girl are completely healthy. I hope Dad is doing okay, too," he said, making my jaw drop. I looked to Jon, who had the same look on his face, but in excitement.

"Baby girl?" Jon asked, making the doctor look up.

"Yes. Says here baby-girl Y/L/N," he said, peering up at you.

"Moxley," You quickly before looking up at Jon, who smiled cheekily down at you. "Baby-girl Moxley,"

"I fucking told you it was a girl!" He cackled, leaning in to press his lips longly to yours, placing a hand on your still growing stomach.

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