Pregnancy Series Pt. 1 || You Find Out You're Pregnant

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Dean Ambrose:
You had been awaiting the arrival of your period for almost a full two weeks. You were nervous, but couldn't bring yourself to talk to your husband about it. You were concerned about missing your period, so you decided that you would take a trip to the local clinic.

You told the doctor about your symptoms, which she insisted was more of a stomach flu rather than pregnancy. You could feel the relief fall over your body as she told you that your missed period could be stress related. She still suggested that you should get blood work done just to be sure of what you may have contracted.

"Everything okay, Doll? You sound worried," Dean asked through the phone.

"I'm alright. The doctor's office just makes me nervous," you assured him before the door opened slightly. "Hey, I've got to go. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Alright, Y/N. I love you,"

"I love you, too," you smiled before hanging up your phone, setting it to the side as another doctor came in.

"Hello, Miss Y/L/N," the elderly man smiled at you.

"Hello," You nodded.

"Well, it looks like you and your little one are clear of any diseases or illnesses," he said, examining his papers. Your jaw dropped and you felt your chest tighten.

"My what?!"

"Oh," he said, furrowing his brows at the paper. "Oh dear. Well, Miss Y/L/N, it looks like you are expecting. I didn't know this was what this visit was for, so I apologize."

"Erm, i-it's okay," You nodded, taking in staggered breaths as you peered down at your stomach.

"If you'd like, we can schedule a dating ultrasound?" he asked before you jumped to your feet.

"N-No, that's okay," you flashed a fake smile. He nodded as you quickly walked out of the room and out of the clinic, rushing to your car. Once inside, you couldn't help but break down and cry.

You and Dean had never talked about having babies. Especially in the near future. With him being gone so often for work, you truthfully didn't want to have a baby right now. You hated the thought of your child growing up with Dean being in and out.

You were most concerned about how your boyfriend would react. Would he be happy? Would he be sad? Would he be angry at you? You didn't know how in the world you got pregnant in the first place, since it seemed that you two had taken every precaution out there to avoid pregnancy. You didn't want him to be mad at you, but you had a feeling he would be upset.

"Hello," You answered the phone hesitantly as Dean's contact info flashed across the screen.

"Hey, Babydoll. I just wanted to tell you that I'll be in and out of service today. We're driving to the next place and it cuts through mountains," Dean told you, making you sigh silently.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me,"

"Are you still at the doctor?"

"No," you told him, biting down on your lip nervously.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, making you lean your head on the seat.

"Yep. She said maybe just a stomach bug. I'll be okay," you lied hesitantly, knowing that that would more than likely piss him off more than anything.

"I wish I could be there to take care of you," he sighed, making you smile softly. "Well, I've got to go, Doll. I love you, Y/N,"

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