You Adopt A Puppy

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"Where are we going?" You groaned, getting tired of the blindfold that was wrapped around your eyes.

"We're almost there, Y/N," Jonathan chuckled, reaching over to grab your hand. He promised you a date, but nothing you guessed was what he was taking you to do.

"C'mon, Jon, I just want to know! It's been killing me!" You sighed before the car came to a stop.

"Jesus, fine! Take off your blindfold," he told you before you felt his presence leave the car. I pulled off the fabric from your eyes, but before you got a chance to look at your destination, Jonathan pulled you out of the car.

"Hi," you smiled cheekily before he chuckled and shook his head, wrapping his arm around your waist and leading you to the front doors of your destination.

You looked up and gasped as you realized you were at the animal shelter. He was going to let you adopt a pet!

"Jonathan!" You said before he shushed you and walked you inside.

"I thought maybe we could use a friend," he chuckled, walking you to the front desk.

"What can we do for you?" the secretary asked, looking up briefly at you and your boyfriend.

"We're here to look into adopting a dog," Jon said before peering at you. "Or a cat, I suppose,"

"Okay, follow me into this room and you can decide if you want any of the animals," she said, leading you into a room full of cages. You couldn't help but frown, all the animals looking helpless in each kennel.

"Baby, do see one that you like?" Jonathan asked you, squeezing your hand.

"All of 'em," you sighed, sticking your bottom lip out.

"This one here was rescued just a few weeks ago. He was living in a household where they weren't feeding or watering him, and not allowing him outside. He was all skin and bones when we found him," the woman explained, pointing to a small beagle hiding in the corner of its cage. "He's good ol' no-name,"

"Awe," You gushed and whistled at him, reaching your hand in the cage. "C'mere little guy,"

The small dog got up and pranced over to you, immediately rubbing up against your touch. You smiled and began petting him, much to his excitement.

"Oh, Jonathan," You smiled, pulling him down next to you, bringing his hand towards the cage.

"Babe, this is all you. I'm not one for loving on animals. They don't like me much," he said, pulling his hand away.

"Feel, he's soft!" You said, picking your bottom lip out again. He groaned and reached down to pet the small dog, who began licking and rubbing on Jon's hand.

"You like him, Doll?" he asked, quirking a brow as he couldn't help but smirk at your excitement.

"Yes," You nodded before you backed away and the woman unlocked the kennel.

"Alright, lets go sign some adoption papers!"

"What should we name him?" Jon asked as you held the wriggling puppy in your arms.

"Mitch," You said before Jon turned his head to smile at you, chuckling softly as the puppy licked your nose.

"Good idea," he said as he began signing he papers in front of him.

You hugged and loved on your new puppy as Jonathan signed papers and paid the adoption fee. He took you out to the car before driving you to the nearest pet store, where you would get a collar, name tag, toys, bed, and food for your new furry friend.

@.Y/T/N: Thank you @.TheDeanAmbrose for the new friend! Everyone, meet Mitch!

TheDeanAmbrose for the new friend! Everyone, meet Mitch!

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