She Wouldn't Say Goodbye. (Axl Rose/GN'R short story.)

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"Jeff is gone, Will. And in the big city of Los Angeles, mind you. How do you think you're going to find him?" William looked up at me, shrugging his shoulders slightly, before reaching for his drink and taking a long swig. "You've talked to him, tell em' to tell me where he is." "I talked to him once, and that was two months ago. He sent you that post card, with an address on it, that's probably about as good as you're gonna get." It's not like Jeff wanted to be found, which he didn't. We all knew that. Will let out a frustrated sigh. I wanted to have something to say that'd make him feel better, but I didn't. Will looked up at me and held his hand out, shaking his empty cup around. "Waitress, I need more drink." I rolled my eyes, and grabbed the glass from him. "Who allowed you in society?" I questioned him, walking behind the end table and getting the Coca-cola pitcher. He ignored my rude remark."Gina's leaving for college in L.A. tomorrow, and I'm going with her." I made a face. "Why?" He got up and stood beside me, running his hands down my arms, stopping to hold my hands in his. "I can't live my life this way anymore, babe. I've been arrested more times, you know the police are out ta' get me. I can't stand livin' around my parents anymore. I want to start a band, you know there's not even a fucking bar around here to play in. Jeff split, now I'm goin' too." I looked down, I didn't want to lose anybody else. "Will.." "Katherine." William toyed. "Ew, don't use my full name." He laughed. "I didn't, Katherine.. Leslie.. Paul." "Don't do that, my name's fucking stupid." "You're name is cute. Too bad you don't play guitar, Les Paul." Will laughed. "I play bass though!" I defended, Will let go of my hands. "Anyways I've gotta' go meet up Gina an' get packed. Am I going to see you tomorrow?" "I don't know." I stuttered my words coming out much colder than, I had expected. My first instinct was to turn away from him and avoid this situation all together. "Awe, Baby girl. Don't be upset." My childhood friend walked back over to me. I loved him more than anyone else, he didn't know, and he couldn't know how I'd dearly miss him. For a second I dared myself to look in his bright eyes. He seemed saddened as well. "I'm going to miss you." A few tears threatened to fall down my face. I knew he didn't know what to say to make it any better, and I didn't want to make him stay. After all the shit he'd been through here, he deserves to start over. "Come with." He grabbed my hands again. "You know it's not that easy for me." He shook his head. "But it can be." And I believe him, 'cause I know it's true. "Gina don't like me though." I stated. "She's just jealous, but I'll talk her into lettin' you come." A smile crept it's way on my face. "I guess will be seein' each other tomorrow then?" He nodded, "Yes, Ma'am." Maybe this could actually work, we could finally leave shitty Indiana, for good. I threw my dirty apron off and walked out the front door, fuck work. I'm startin' over tomorrow.

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