chapter 1

50 1 1

Eirin's POV

plane flights are fUn


You thought I'm one of those people that complain with sarcasm.

Well I do sometimes...


I've been on a plane...

how long?

feels like years to be honest

but it's only been two hours. 

Three more to go!

I look over at my sleeping older brother, passed out like a puppy. 

Is it weird that I think my brother would make a good actor?


Most people back in Cali at my old highschool think that you have to wear certain clothes but I have read a lot since I was in middle school. 

All schools are like that... Sadly

And hey just because I read a lot, does not mean I am a nerd.

I am just...different

I like being able to read to make sure I stay sane.

Reading is like my safe place...

Being lost in a book and imagining what the characters look like.

And if you couldn't guess, I am kinda weird.

It kinda just comes naturally to me. 


And I am a crazy romantic person.

I pretty much only read books about romance.

Unless it's for school.

That is when I am forced to read something else.

And for some reason,

I am addicted to novels about abuse and depression.

I have no idea why.

Maybe because...



I also listen to a lot of sad songs...

what is wrOng with me?

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I flinch.

WHy do i flINch

"Eirin!" Blake whispers. 

Brothers, Jeez.

His earth eyes look over at me, obviously waking up.


"Are we there yet?"

Nope. I shake my head.

I just realized... my mom paid a first class airplane ride for us? 

He groans.

"Well shit...I am hungry..." Blake says. He presses a button thingy and a girl comes.

I've never been on a plane before, let alone first class so dont yell at me.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Yeah, can I know some of the food options?"

She hands him a small menu.

Oh well then.

He looks it over and he smiles. 

"Do you want anything?" He asks, handing me the menu while asking the lady for what he wants.

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