chapter 13

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Eirin's pov

Still at Eli's house, I'm super hyper and need to get my energy out.

And something is wrong with me..

Im not mad about it, I'm just confused.

Why did I let Eli body check me?

That is what I'm confused about.

He does make me feel very safe though.

So it's all good.

Here is what I am having problems with.

I don't want to think about what Max can do.

What he will do.

"Hey, Angel." Eli smirks.

"What is that face for?" I ask him.

We decided to go upstairs, just for the comfort of his pillows.

He is laying next to me on his back, showing off his muscles.

I can't help myself but look at his abs.

"So if you are done admiring my greatness, can we go to bed now?"

I look at him and give him furrowed eyebrows.

"Uhhhhhh. Sure."

After that I'm out like a light.



Eli bugs me, waking up.

It's pitch black outside.

Why am I being bothered?

"What do you want?" I say sleepily.

"I can't sleep. Will you help?"

I get up and look for a guitar.

"Look in the closet." Eli mumbles.

"You don't even know what I'm looking for."

I turn and look at him, and he just shrugs.

In the closet, is what I was looking for.

A guitar.

I sit at his desk and adjust the strings.

"If I lay here... if I just lay here...would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

I sing and play along to the lyrics.

Strumming along to the song keys, I play just about a minute longer and then set the guitar down and climb back in bed.

Eli is fast asleep, letting out soft snores every now and then.

I let the nice smell of his house take me in and let me fall sleep.


I open my eyes to see a tray with eggs and bacon with a glass of orange juice...

Along with a gleaming Eli.

I smile and stretch, "What's this?"

He is bouncing on his toes like an excited puppy.

I give him a confused look and he smirks.

"I just wanted you to wake up happy."

I stand and give him a hug.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Angel."

I look at the clock,

12:04 pm

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