chapter 32

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Eli's Pov

Eirin sits on the loveseat next to me as the detective takes the single seat.

"Ok, Miss.Meyer, could you give me some intail on what you think Mr. Winter's intentions in the house were?"

Eirin takes a deep breath in and nods. "Two weeks from today, Monday, May 26th, 2017. I was getting my things from my locker, heading out to Eli's car when Dante stopped me in the hall. He didn't say anything to me, he just grabbed me and dragged me into the gym. I couldn't move, it was like I didn't have control over my body. As we entered the gym, something was sprayed on me and that's what made me go into a delirious state. I came back to conscious when Eli grabbed me in only my under garments and took me home. From there, me and Eli stayed at here, his house, and tried to stay away from dangers. We were doing our schoolwork on his laptop, sent from our teachers. While home, my body wouldn't accept anything but water for over two straight days. Once my hunger came back, I got a phone call from a private number and when I answered, it was Dante, threatening to come hurt us. We decided that we had to go into hiding, so we told Eli's sister what happened and to keep our secret. We kept our phones and smart devices up in the safe so we couldn't be tracked. We brought everything of ours that we could into the basement, clothes, food, the essentials. We have been hiding down here for a little over a week."

She finishes and she lays into my lap.

"May I ask what you believe his potential intentions were?" The man asks.

"I think that he was trying to hurt Eirin just because he has wanted to have her since the moment he laid eyes on her. He was trying to attack me and get me away from her." I state.

The detective nods, "Thank you guys for telling us your sides. Now they might go to court with this so just be prepared. Have a good day."

They take the mics and leave us alone.

I look down at Eirin and smile warmly at her.

"Hope everything is gonna be ok..." She states.

I nod and kiss her cheek.

We look at the basement hatch and go and lock it.

I look at Eirin and fall in love with her harder.

"We will get through this, Angel. We will win this and you won't get hurt," I say, pecking her nose.


She smiles and leans in to kiss me, her body crashing into mine.

She wraps her arms around my neck and pull me down to her.

She kisses me lightly and smiles against my lips, pulling on the rim of my shirt.

"Oh, you want it off?" I say playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

Before I could blink, she was pulling off her shirt and I was doing same, us crashing onto the bed, my body hovering over hers.

I place kisses along her collarbone and she giggles, and I take the kisses to any girls weak spot, her neck.

She softly moans and I smiles against her skin, continuing to kiss that spot.

"This is payback for giving you a hickey, isn't it?"

I look her in the eye and kiss her.

"Yes it is."

Soon after she is flush against my body, my hands traveling her body, making sure not to trigger any bad memories.

She ran one of her hands through my hair and the other tracing my body.

I starting kissing her body some more, putting my hands on her waist and pulling her body into me.

I got to her breast and went back upward to her ear and said "Can I?"

She nods and my lips travel down her chest, unhooking her bra to reveal her bare breast.

We pull off our pants and leaves us in our underwear.

My mini me gets happy and Eirin feels it against her skin.

I know because she giggled.

I kiss her lips as our body's grind against each other's and she rolls us over so that way she's in me.

Her hands run up and down my bare skin, making me very aroused.

I grip her bum lightly and she lays herself on me.

She grinds my body as I kiss her.

My hand slides up and down her thigh and her lips leave mine to meet my neck and body.

We start to slow down and make our kisses have more love and passion.

She was definitely making me fall in love with her.

My heart races as she bites my bottom lip gently.

Her tongue plays a part in our kiss as our tongues dance.

She breaks our kiss and gets off of me and let's me back on top.

I kiss her body as she calms her breathing, asthma having a part in her lack of breath.

I kiss her a few more times then stand and grab her my shirt, handing it to her and her put it on.


I put on a pair of gym shorts and kiss her one more time as we drift to sleep.


I wake up to Eirin fast asleep next to me, holding onto my torso.

I slowly wiggle out of her grasp and go to the bathroom, getting into the shower and washing my body.

When I come out, she is still sound asleep and I pull out some microwave bacon to heat up for us.

She obviously smells the food because she came and sat down next to me.

"Foooood." She groans.

I laugh and shake my head, handing her a plate with bacon and mac and cheese, since that's all we had.

"Thanks for everything. You are an amazing person... And I love you." She says sleepily and I almost choke on my water.

"Oh my god, Did I say that out loud?" She blushes looking at her plate.

"Yeah you did."

"Oh god.. I'm sorry you don't have to say it back.. I just -"

I cute her off with a quick peck on her lips and smile at her.

"I love you too."

Next chapter will be the last one and then the epilogue!

Word count: 1063

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