chapter 23

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Eirins pov

As we park, Dante walks to us.

Eli's eyes narrow on him, as Dante opens my door for me.

"T-Thanks.." I say, getting out and grabbing my bags.

Dante offers to help but I tell him I can do it.

Eli takes his things into his house and then quickly meets with me after I put my stuff in my house.

"Ella!!!!" Alaina screams at me and I give her a big hug.

Shortly after, Blake comes up and does the same, and literally asks me a billion questions.

I tell him that I will spill all the details later but to just let me rest.

Dante comes up to me while Eli is visiting.

"Hey, cutie. Long time no see."

"Well y-you kinda kicked me out of y-your life so..."

He comes a bit closer but I back away.

"Don't you miss me, cutie? Because I missed you..."

With every step he takes closer, I take a step backward.

He then grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

I feel a presence behind me grab my waist gently.

"Let go of her, Dante."

Eli thank god.

"Well isn't it little Eli coming to the rescue once again."

I look around to see that all eyes were on us.

I look for Blake but he is no where to be seen.

"Yeah, actually. She doesn't need you to mess around with her mind right now."

Dante's grip on my wrist tightens and I wince.

Eli pulls me closer to him to see what Dante was doing.

"Let go you, dumbass!"

Eli manages to kick Dante's stomach and has him let go of my wrist.

I look at my wrist, and my oldish cuts from a month before are bleeding with fingernail marks in my skin.

My head begins to spin as I hear Eli talk to Dante.

"You hurt her, you asshole!"

"I didn't mean to.. bro calm down."

"Eirin! Angel? Hey listen to me..."

"Light-headed.." I breathe out.

Eli holds me up and steady while Dante looks around confused.

"Is she okay? What's happening?" Dante looks at me.

"She's gonna be fine, once you leave." Blake states.

Blake walks Dante to his car and Eli walks me to my room.

"Hey, Angel, are you ok?"

I nod, then show him my open wound.

"I'll wrap it up, alright?"

I nod again, too tired from the flight to really care.

He takes my first aid kit out from under my bed and wraps up my wrist.

When he is done, he rests his hand on the side of my face.

"Angel... Will you be okay alone?"

"N-No... s-stay..."

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