chapter 7

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*trigger warning*

Eirin's pov

I miss Max.

And his sister.

they are amazing people

How did I even deserve them?

Here's the answer.

I don't.

I never did.

"Elisabeth!" My 'mom' calls.

I go downstairs and see her have an angry face on her.

"Why didn't you come home?" She asks.

"I did...while everyone was asleep."

She comes over and smacks me.

"Where were you?"

"I was at the neighbor's..."

She kicks me to the floor.

I wince.

"Why?" She yells.

"I didn't want to come home!"

"WHY?!" She is screaming now.

"Because you scare me!" I start to cry.


"And why are you being a pussy?"

"I-I'm not" My entire body is shaking, I haven't eaten since last night, at like 8pm.

It's 1pm the next day.

She kicks me once more.

In my chest, foot flat on my ribs.

I grasp for air.

"Were you with that boy?" She asks, pinching my wrist.

"Yes..." I cry.


I continue to cry, getting hit once more.

Followed with a punch.

Along with another hit to my rib cage.

"Leave my sight," she says in disgust.

I stumble to stand, going as fast as I can to my room.

I close my door behind me, locking it in the process.

Tears are flooding my vision, not letting me see clearly.

I use my hand to look for my inhaler.

As I am wheezing, I hear my window open, a figure stepping into my room.

"Eirin...shhhh." Eli's voice echos in my ear.

I fall to the floor, not being able to contain myself.

"Give me a sec..." I manage to say, getting up and going into my bathroom.

I lock the door, then look in my drawers.


I need a blade.


I find one, closing the drawer and sitting on my floor.

I place the blade on my wrist, letting my right hand do the work.

I look down, a gushing cut so deep that a little white is coming out of it.

I silently scream at the scene in front of me.

I take a washcloth, covering my cut with it.

That stings,

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