chapter 14

16 1 0

Eirin's POV

And holy shit.

I am about to be shaking.

Because I can't believe it is them.

It's the Fucking Finleys.

"So this is my son, Blake, and my daughters, Alaina and-"

"Eirin. Don't worry, Mrs. Meyer, I know who she is." Max's mom says.

"Hello, Mrs. Finley. Nice to see you too." I cough, standing up.

I roll my eyes as I bore my eyes into their mother's, making my anger grow and my fists curl.

Max looks up from his phone and stares at me with a blank expression. I can tell he isn't lying to me about making it much longer.

Noah gets happy, buts holds back in fear of her mom.

"You know each other?" My mom asks, confused.

"Yeah, she is the one who caused my son to attempt suicide."

I am taken back by her words and step back.

"I d-did?" I look at Max for help.

"Mom, she wasn't the one who caused it, you just think that." He says calmly.

My mom is just wide-eyed.

I feel tears flow down my cheeks.

"Elisabeth! In public! Really?" My mom whisper shouts.

I wipe my face with my thumbs and ask Alaina to come with me to the bathroom.

She follows me into the bathroom, and I just punch the brick wall, taking out all my hurt and anger.

Alaina grabs my fists and looks at them bleeding.

"You need to calm down, Ellie." She tells me, washing my bleeding knuckles.

"I can't believe I agreed to coming here with mom... I knew I was gonna get hurt, somehow." I rant.

"It's gonna be ok. Your knuckles aren't but you will be, you understand?"

I nod. Taking a cloth and wiping my tear stained cheeks.

Good thing I own waterproof mascara.

I put cold water on my cheeks to get the puffiness to go down.

Once I am decent again, we go back to the table and Max and Blake both come to my side.

"Hey are you okay?" Max looks at me with concern.

I nod, hiding my fists from the boys so they wouldn't yell at me.

"Ok, come'on, let's get back to the table." Blake says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and walking me to my seat.

I decide just to order some fries and a milkshake because...


I lost my appetite.

"So, Ellie, how long have you and Max known each other?" My mom asks, trying to lighten the mood.

I am sitting in between Max and Blake, making me feel awkward.

"Um...since we were both like, 10?" Max answers for me.

Thanks, bud.

"Wow, five years... incredible." My mom says.

"Yeah, but I have been forcing Max and Noah to not talk to your daughter for about two months now." Max's mom states.

Who in the world does she think she is?

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