chapter 26

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Eirins POV

Last day of spring break was gonna be amazing you know why?

Because I'm gonna spend it with my boyfriend and we are gonna just stay with each other all day.

I look at the clock and see 7:48 am.

Eli is sleeping sound right next to me as I begin to plant kisses on his jaw.

He groans and his arms snake around me.

"Can we stay in bed today?" He asks me, eyes still closed.

"Yes," I say, lingering my lips on his neck a little longer than I thought.

"Are you trying to give me a hickey?"

I laugh, "Only if you want one."

We both laugh and he rolls on top of me.

"I need to workout, so... get up."

I give him a confused look.

He just shakes his head then takes our bodies and rolls them off of the bed and onto the floor without getting one of us hurt.

I offer a puzzled look as my back lays on the carpet.

"I'm gonna do push ups above you and when I get to your body you have to kiss me."

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Ok."

He gets ready to do a push up and I just watch.

One push up.

Two push ups.









After the final one, he starts to kiss my body.

"Babe, not now. I'm hungry." I say simply.

He smirks, "Hungry for this."

I roll my eyes and he winks, kissing me one last time.

"Oh Eli," I laugh.

We go downstairs and get some breakfast.

I look at Eli's neck and giggle, "Better hide that."

He offers me a puzzled look, and I look at his neck.

"Did you give me a fucking hickey?" He whisper shouts.

I nod, laughing.

He comes up to me and places a small kiss on my lips and says, "I'll get you back, Eirin."

He pinches my waist and laughs.

I squeal and run upstairs with a piece of waffle in my hand.

He runs after me, laughing a melodic laugh and I smile.

That boy has got me good.

I teased him once I reached the top of the stairs, sticking my tongue out at him and then running back to his room.

We laugh and crash onto the bed, laughing too hard to notice how much we were falling.

I look over at him and he looks back at me after we sober up but then just laugh again once making eye contact.

Yeah... it was that kind of relationship.

We look at the time and decide to just watch movies for the rest of the day.

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