chapter 8

18 1 0

Eirin's pov

Can I mention...

I've been getting this weird feeling lately,


I don't know.


My door opens, ruining my train of thought.

"Elisabeth, I need you to go get our food."

I sigh, "Why me? Blake just got a car, have him get it."

"Do not talk back to me."

"I just don't feel good today," I snap.

I really don't.

The lack of calls and happiness from Max is tearing me apart.

"I don't care, I-"

She is cut off, my phone ringing.

Noah Cell

My body is shaking, slowly answering and bringing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I rush.

"Eirin..." Her voice is shaky, sounds like she has been crying.

"Yes, my love?" I say in a cute child voice.

"Max is in the hospital...w-will you come?" She must know that I moved.

"O-of course...d-d-details?" I ask.

She tells me what hospital they are at, me taking Blake's keys and leaving without a heads up to anyone.

I end the call with Noah, starting the car and driving to the hospital.

Tears are blurring my vision slightly, so I pull over before I exit the neighborhood.

I see a gray mustang behind me.


I look in my rear view mirror to see Eli get out of his car and come to mine.

Knock, and then he opens the passenger.

"Hey Eirin, what's wrong?" He asks, pulling me to him over the center console.

"M-M-max might be d-d-dead..." My mouth manages to make those words.

He doesn't respond, only to offer to drive me to the hospital instead of me driving.

I only say yes.

We go to his car, leaving Blake's locked and parked back at the house.

We pull up to the hospital, me immediately out of the car and to the front desk.

"Hello ma'am. What can I do for you?"

"I'm here t-to see Maxwell Finley?"

"Unfortunately, only family is allowed to see him, are you related to him?"

I need a lie,


"I'm his girlfriend, I-"

The receptionist cuts me off. "Wait, the mother gave an exception for three non-family to come in."

Thank God.

"Ok, what room is he in?"

I'm eager.

"Room 309."

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