chapter 21

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Eirins pov

Eli wraps my bleeding torso very gently and carefull.

I look at him and he shows me a warm smile.

Alec is pacing the living room behind Eli and Brayton is watching me worryingly.

Garrett is making sure the girls stay calm about the situation.

"Hey, Margo. Will you get something to eat for us? Like a..."

Eli's words fade out and my eyes fall heavy.


I wake up in the guest bedroom, wearing a robe, and a bunch of wires attached to me, like I was in a hospital.

Eli is sitting next to me, his head in his hands.

"Eli, what happened?" I ask.

He stands up and lays next to me on the bed.

"You passed out, so we called Margo's cousin. She is a doctor, so she came over and helped you out properly. She said you will be fine. You just need to take it easy for a while."

I nod, looking at the water thing attached to my vein.

"Oh yeah, I'll be right back. I'll go get her."

He stands and runs out the door, yelling down the hallway.

A few moments later, a short lady about 5' tall, comes in and checks me.

"Hello, Eirin. My name is Maddie. How are you feeling?" The lovely lady looks at me with a warming smile.

I smile back, and in a weak voice I murmur, "I'm good. Um... how long was I out?"

"You were out about three hours, nothing too bad." Eli takes my hand and sits on the bed.

I nod and look down at my stomach.

"How much blood did I lose?" I look at Eli.

"Not very much actually, only about one third of it. Still a lot, but, you still got plenty." Maddie explains.

I nod, relieved.

She takes the hospital type wires and injection lines off of me.

"You can walk around, but just be careful. And also stay away from your dad's. You aren't safe around him. If this happens again, I will have to tell authorities. Have a good day," Maddie packs her things and leaves.

I sit up and walk to the kitchen.

"I'm really hungry, can we order panda and just relax?" I ask, grabbing a snack bar.

Margo smiles and nods. Her and Sydni ask for what everyone wants and then leave.

I look down at the aching pain that is my stomach and sigh, "Why was I so stupid to go back over there?"

"It's fine, you didn't know what was gonna happen, and plus, that is where you grew up so I bet you miss home." Brayton explains.

I nod, letting him ruffle my hair.

Eli keeps close to me, making sure I don't fall over at any given time.

He bent down to speak in my ear, a little smile placed on his face, "We need to talk."

I looked at his small, warm grin and gave him a questioning look.

It's was around 1pm, and I was pretty much ready to go home.

Since we couldn't go out today, since that's what Maddie told Margo, I decided to try and pack up some of my things.

I head to the guest bedroom, knowing that Eli is behind me.

I look around the room that we cleaned last night, all our stuff just waiting to go into our bags.

Eli and I start putting everything away, leaving out a pair of pajamas for the flight back.

All that we leave out are our hygiene products.

I lay on the bed, getting comfortable within the pillows.

"What did you wanna talk about?" I ask Eli while he finishes his packing.

He smirks at me and closes the door.

He takes something out of his bag and sits next to me on the bed.

"I wanted to talk about something really important. So sit up."

I do as told, my stomach hurting slightly but I ignore it.

"Now I need all ears for what I'm about to tell you."

I nod, his hands taking mine randomly.

"I want to be here for you, always. I want to make sure you are protected as much as possible.  But I can't do that very much because I don't have that much of say. I want to change that," he takes the box and gives it to me without another word.

I give him a look and he just nods at the box.

Opening the box, I take a small look inside and smile.

Inside is a small handmade booklet, and the cover says "To My Angel". Under the tile it has a picture of him and I at the dinner with our families.

I flip to the next page, that says "We are crazy...." and has a picture of him tickling me, a picture that I know Alaina took.

Onto the next page, a picture of him and I flipping off the school, a selfie. It reads "And we are very mischievous..."

The next page had me blushing, a picture of me and him hugging at a park. "But..."

The next picture was of me helping him after a fight he got into. "We care for each other."

On the next page was a picture we took joking around and being a 'couple'. "And we ok around each other."

Turning the page, all it said was "So..."

On the bottom of the page, it read, "Look at me."

I look up from the book and find Eli standing up and holding something behind his back.

When did he move?

I didn't even notice.

I guess he is just so quick to move that he did it while I was reading the booklet.

I give him a confused look and he smiles warmly.

"Stand up," he tells me.

I do as told and come next to him, being weary of my stomach.

"Will you, Eirin Meyer, let me into your life and trust me with all your secrets... and I know I can trust you with mine...and become my girlfriend?"


Word count: 1009

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