chapter 29

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Max's pov

I watch as Eirin hits Noah with the dodgeball, laughing and apologizing for hitting my sister in the face.

When my mom told me I had to fake my death, my mind immediately went to Eirin.

I was terribly sad because I knew how much this would hurt my best friend.

She has already been through so much, I was the first person outside of her household that knew about what her dad did.

I wanted to murder him.

She had already been molested by her best friend in the 7th grade.

I know almost every single detail about Eirin.

I even know when she should be having her period.

Damn, that girl could not keep her mouth shut when talking with me.

"Max! Are you coming?" Eirin yells from the doorway, looking at me puzzled.

"Um, yeah! What are we doing?"

She laughs a genuine laugh that I haven't heard in a very long time.

"Are you okay?" She asks me, placing a hand on my back.

"I'm fine, just thinking. What are we doing?"

She giggles and looks me in the eyes, with a light I've never seen before.

"We are baking cookies! Now, can you give me a piggyback ride to the kitchen?"

I laugh, letting her attempt to jump on my back, her failing because of her height compared to mine.

"Here, I'll step down and you can jump onto my back."

I get on one knee and wait for her to jump on to my back, and when she does we tip over.

We burst out into laughter, the bottom of my shirt lifting slightly.

Eirin sits up and looks at my stomach as she sits next to me, hurt.

"Eirin, I'm getting better."

Her eyes brim with tears and I pull my shirt down.

"Hey, I'm not trying to hurt you, you know I'm trying to get better."

She nods and hugs me, me kissing her head.

"Where is Blake and Noah?"

She sits up and looks around, "I'm pretty sure they are in the kitchen. Come on let's go."

I stand up and help her up, walking with her to the kitchen.

As we walk closer to the kitchen I see Eirin check on her phone to see how she looks.

"Does it look like I've been crying?" She asks, looking at me.

I smile and shake my head, "You look fine."

She smiles warmly than walks into the kitchen.

"What took you guys so long?" Noah asks.

"She attempted to jump onto my back and failed miserably, we crashed and burned. We laughed so hard we cried." I say.

"I'm not surprised." Eli states warmly.

"So! What are we baking again?" I wash my hands in the sink and Eirin follows me.

"Cookies!" Noah shouts.

We laugh and take out the ingredients for sugar cookies.

I look at Eirin and smile at her happiness towards Eli.

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