chapter 12

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Eli's pov

Dante will pay.

I don't know what the fuck is up with me lately, but I feel like Dante is hurting her.

I am starting to have feelings for Eirin.

I took her out on a date last night... best night of my life.

She is currently snuggled next to me, holding her teddy bear and a blanket she brings over to my house a lot.

She is actually smiling in her sleep this time.

No tears, no screaming or shaking.

Just a small smile, making me feel happy for her.

I might keep her tonight too, seeing as it is Saturday.

She yawns and looks up at me.

"Good morning," she says in the cutest voice I've heard... EVER.

"Good morning, Angel.."

"How did you sleep?" She yawns again.

"Very good. You?"

"I didn't have a nightmare. I drempt about you and me on another date." She explains.

I smirk.

"What?" She looks at me puzzled.

"You want another date?" I tease.

She just groans and snuggles closer to me.

"Eli!" Eva pounds on my door and Eirin flinches.


"Can I come in?"

Little fucking sisters I swear to god.

"I don't care. Just be quiet."

She does as told and when she sees Eirin, she 'oh's to herself.

Alaina is behind her, hair in a ponytail.

Alaina looks up and laughs.

"Is that..." Eirin trails off.


I mentally smack my head.

And then face palm.

"Get out, Alaina..." Eirin yawns.

Alaina puts her hands up in surrender then leaves, followed by Eva.

They close the door and I smile back down at Eirin.

She's beautiful.

"You wanna wake up?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"Come on, you need to eat." I push at her gently.

"I'm not hungry."

"Wanna play that game?" I ask.

She laughs, "Seriously, I'm not hungry."

"You asked for this."

She gives me a puzzled look as I place my ear to her stomach.

I hear growling and the I come to Eirin.

"You need to eat, Angel."

She groans then nods and we get out of bed.

She brushed her long to-her-butt hair and then puts it in one of those neat buns that are just so confusing.

She then goes into my bathroom and brushes her teeth and washes her face.

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