chapter 30

7 1 1

Eirins pov

I look out the window, my brain in a different place then actually in the classroom.

A cough or two make the silent room more bearable, everyone waiting for the last student to finish their test.

It was getting close to summertime and we only had four weeks left until summer break and I was here for it!

The past few weeks I have had some weird encounters with Dante, and I thought he was done with me.

One day, he came up to me and just started having a normal conversation.

I was scared to be around him when Eli wasn't around, but I was like that in general.

My mom has barely talked to me the past few weeks, only because she has been hella busy and not wanting anything to do with us at home.

Blake got a job so he helps get groceries every week.

I put out a flyer so I could get some babysitting jobs, and I put an application on a website that hires teenagers to babysit.

My payment is minimal to $5/kid/hr. And that's not bad at all.

If I was babysitting 2 kids for 7 hours, I'd get $70. And do that through out the week and I'd have around $500 by the end of the week, if I wasn't in school of course.

My thoughts were interrupted with the bell to let us out of class went off and everyone left the classroom.

I went to my locker and retrieved my backpack and light grey sweater, putting it over my long sleeved white flowy blouse.

As I walk towards Eli's car, a big muscled body stops me in my tracks.

Dante stood there, silent. Looking down at me and grabbing my arms.

Something inside me made me freeze up and I don't know why, but my body didn't scream and kick or punch at Dante.

I hear the sound of a perfume bottle being sprayed nearby and my mind went into a nautious haze.

Doors slamming all around me and the unfamiliar, blurred scene made me scared and confused, but my body was still frozen and I couldn't do anything.

I hear yelling faintly surrounding me as I realize my shirt was completely off and I was left in my bra.

Tight arms wrapped around me, and subconsciously I knew it was Eli.

After that, I slowly become oblivious.


I look up into Eli's worried eyes, and is in his room, me laying in his bed.

"What is going on?"

"Will you eat now? Please baby?" He asks me and offer him a puzzled look.

"What are you talking about?"

"For the past two hours you keep on passing out and refusing to eat... is everything ok?"

I look at the food sitting on his desk, it giving me a nautious feeing.

"Hand me something," I ask and he does, giving me a piece of toast.

I take a bite and immediately gag, my insides turning and swishing around.

"Oh, Eirin are you okay?"

I shake my head and give him the toast back.

I run to the bathroom and throw up all my insides, and I feel my hair being held up behind me.

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