chapter 16

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Eirin's POV


"Oh my god, Eirin Angel...." Eli pauses, "We are in public." He emphasizes that last word.

"I knowwwww! But this is our first trip together! I'm so excited!"

He rubs his temples, looking at what he wants to order.

"Can I have a plate with orange chicken, honey walnut shrimp, and just some white rice please?" I order.

Eli orders his food, and we pay then head back to my house to eat before we start packing.

It's currently 6pm on sunday night and I have spent the whole day mentally preparing Eli for the insanity that is my friends.

Hehehe.... I don't know how well he will be when we come back home from this.

Ooof....I don't know how Alec will do meeting him.

Should have maybe thought of that....


As we are eating he looks over at me.

"You never told me where we were staying."

"Oops. We will be staying at my friend Margo's place. She has an extra bedroom that we will be staying in."

He smirks, "Same bed? Oh no I don't know if I can do that."

I giggle, "Nothing you haven't done before. I sleepover at your house all the time."

He chuckles, "Touche."


"You have a serious issue, you know that?" Eli asks me from his window, looking for something to pack.

"Yes! I know I am slightly insane. But you just wait and see how I am around them!"

He looks at me and rolls his eyes.

I grab my hair brush and put it in the side pocket of my duffle bag, along with my mascara and lip gloss.

"All done!" Eli tells me, closing his bag and setting it down on the ground.

"Same here!"

I set my bag on my desk chair and think a little.

"Hey Eli, do you think I could just come to your house tonight?"

"Mom and Dad left again... For their friend's funeral. I don't see an issue."

"OK! I'll be right back. Gotta tell mom."

He gives me a thumbs up and I go downstairs.

Our flight leaves at 6am tomorrow so... It would just be easier.

"Hey mom, since the flight leaves so early tomorrow, Imma stay at Eli's to make sure he gets up." I explain.

She nods and waves me off.

I grab our plane tickets off the counter and grab my bag and backpack from my room, taking my charger and phone off of my desk.

I walk through the grass and just walk into his house, putting my things on the couch.

"Here, Eli!"

"I can't believe you get to go to Cali for a week. I'm so jealous." Eva comes in, talking to Eli.

"Sorry, I guess?" Eli states.

"You have to bring me back something," she orders.

I get up and put an arm around her shoulder, "What do you want? A keychain, a special t-shirt... What is it?"

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