chapter 18

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Eli's pov

"Hey, Eli. Can I talk to you?" Alec asks, sitting in front of me and Eirin.

I stand, "Yeah, come on."

We walk into the living room, as doctor strange plays in the theatre room.

I sit on the love seat, propping my feet up.

Alec sits on the main couch and looks down at his feet.

"Is Eirin okay?"

I look into the hall and back at Alec, "Something happened, with Max..."

His head snaps up and his eyes are wide, "Oh no. What happened?"

"He... He uh... Killed himself."

Alec's jaw drops and his hands cover his face.

"Max was one of the most important people in her life. She was always looking for a way to make him mentally ok," Alec sighs and stands.

"She hasn't been eating since she found out. I mean, she had a little bit of food but not much." I manage to say.

"This... Isn't her first friend to commit. Back in 9th grade, our best friend Jason killed himself because he was being called names. He was trans and he just couldn't take the pain." Alec whispers.

My eyes widen in shock.

Poor Angel.

"I will do my best to take care of her."

Alec's eyebrows furrow, "What do you mean?"

I face him and look him straight in the eye, "I know you and her had a thing. And I don't know if she still has those feelings for you. But I do know that I like her.

So help me take care of her."

He looks towards the ground, deep thoughts going through his mind.

I can tell.

Looking back up at me, he smiles, "Anything for my little sunshine."


"Eli! What in the world is taking you so long?" Eirin growls, her head stuffed in the pillow.

"You can fall asleep without me, ya know."

"Not without having a nightmare, please hurry so I can sleep peacefully."

I laugh, closing my bag zipper and turn to face Eirin.

Everyone left about 30 minutes ago, making Eirin tense up since then.

"I really hope I don't see my dad while I'm down here."

I give her sad puppy eyes and lay next to her.

"Sorry, I'm just really uneasy around him."

Looking her in the eyes, I promise her, "I will never let your father get anywhere near you, to ever betray you again."

She smiles at me, taking my hand into hers and kissing my knuckles.

"Thank you, Eli."

"Always, Angel."

We curl up next to each other, me scooping Eirin into my arms and holding her tight.

She is out instantly, me soon after her.


A loud alarm wakes Eirin and me, making Eirin shake.

The sound continues and I help Eirin out into the kitchen.

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